Where and when was Rene Descartes born?
France, 1596
What was Descartes most famous philosophy?
Cogito ergo sum or "I think therefore I am"
Did Rene Descartes believe God exists?
Yes. He is seen as a "perfect being"
What did Descartes study in University?
Medicine and Law
What did Descartes doubt ?
Explain Renes thoughts on God. (Why does he exist)
Believed it is possible for a God or "being" to exist on the base of one being created from a perfect mind.
How did Rene Descartes die?
Meditations on First Philosophy is divided into how many parts?
True or False; Rene believed the world worked like a government controlled machine?
True or False: The "evil demon" invades the movement of ones body and uses force to control and individual. The use of force creates a violent outcome.
The demon controls Renes mind to manipulate him. This is a form of skepticism used to doubt reliance in the world.