Where does solar energy come from?
What is The Sun
What machine is powered by wind?
What is a Wind Turbine?
Vast underground reservoirs where ancient seas were located.
The nucleus in an atom.
What gets powered by hydroelectric power?
Hydropower turbines
What are some major disadvantages of using solar energy?
What is a high initial cost, weather-dependent? Building them hurts the environment, solar panels don't work at night, and they have low efficiency.
What are some advantages of wind power?
A lot of wind is on the earth, it can provide electricity without burning fuel or polluting the air and helps carbon dioxide emissions.
When is it estimated that we are going to run out of oil?
It is currently estimated that bye 2052 we will run out of oil.
When is it estimated that we are going to run out of nuclear energy?
The current estimate is 80 years.
Yes, since water is always flowing.
What are the advantages of Solar energy?
What is Solar Energy can be cheaper than power and can be way more affordable, You can keep the lights on when the grid goes down, and Solar Panels can work in a variety of climates.
What are the disadvantages of wind power?
The high noise level produced by the wind turbine and damage to land.
What is it called when oil leaks into a body of water?
Oil spill
What is the main disadvantage of using nuclear energy?
Toxic and Deadly chemicals.
What is a major advantage of using hydroelectric power?
A good backup resource for power.
Who discovered Solar Energy?
Who is Edmond Becquerel?
The wind turbine uses its blades to collect the wind's kinetic energy and then the wind flows over the blade creating a lift that causes the blades to turn.
How much oil is used by the U.S. every day?
20.25 million barrels! (That is sad)
775 BILLION kilowatt hours.
Can hydroelectric hurt the environment.
How was solar energy discovered and why?
Placing silver chloride in an acidic solution and illuminating it while it was connected to platinum electrodes, Coal would become scarce.
Wind turbines cause animals to leave their habitats and harm flying animals with the blades.
Global warming,Oil Spills, Air pollution, Acid rain.
What machines are powered by nuclear energy?
Submarines, and aircraft carriers.
When was hydroelectric power discovered.