How to say "how?" in Spanish
It's 1:00 in the morning.
Es la una de la mañana.
Yo voy. / (Voy.)
Translate: Julia drinks orange juice.
Julia toma jugo de naranja.
Translate to Spanish: My brother
Mi hermano
How to say "what?" in Spanish
It's 12:40 in the afternoon.
Es la una menos veinte de la tarde.
Nosotr@s somos estudiantes.
The waiter speaks Spanish.
El mesero habla español.
My parents
Mis padres
How to say "how much?" in Spanish (2 words)
It's half past 3.
Son las tres y media.
How to say "He is tired" in Spanish
Él está cansado.
Translate: Pablo and I eat fish and salad.
Pablo y yo comemos pescado y ensalada.
Our grandfather
Nuestro abuelo
How to say "why?" and "because" in Spanish
My class is at 8:15.
Mi clase es a las ocho y cuarto/quince.
How to say "You (familiar) are going to the school" in Spanish.
Vas a la escuela / al colegio.
Translate: I do homework.
Yo hago la tarea.
Their uncle
su tio
My class is at a quarter til 4.
Mi clase es a las cuatro menos cuarto.
How to say "We are going to the library. I am going to study." in Spanish.
Vamos a la biblioteca. Voy a estudiar.
Translate: I know your phone number.
Yo sé tu número de teléfono.
Your (formal) relatives
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