Capítulo 8
Capítulo 9
Capítulo 2
Name one of the two ways to say "peanut" in Spanish.
What is los cacahuetes el maní
Name 5 pieces of clothing in Spanish.
Answers may vary.
Name at least 5 things that you need or would do when you go camping.
Answer will vary.
Which two verbs conjugate exactly the same in the preterite? How can you tell the difference between the two?
What is Ser and Ir. The only way to really tell the difference is to look at the context in which the verbs are used.
What is a -go verb? Give at least 3 examples.
A -go verb is a verb in which the present tense yo form ends in -go. Examples include traigo, pongo, salgo, vengo, oigo, tengo, etc.
What are three ways to say "cake" in Spanish?
La torta, la tarta, el pastel
Name 10 things (foods or containers) that you would find at a supermarket.
Answers may vary.
Name at least 10 parts of the body in Spanish.
Answers will vary.
Give three examples of cases in which the preterite tense would be used.
Closed time periods. Actions that are done a certain number of times. A series of completed actions that form a chain of events. Etc.
Why did I make you memorize the marching song for irregular preterite verbs? How can it help you remember the rest of the forms? What are the endings for nearly all irregular preterite verbs in the song?
The song helps us remember the stem for each verb and gives us the yo form of the verb. The endings are -e, -iste, -o, -imos, -ieron
Choose two of the following categories, and name three things for each (that you would do or see) 1. A concert 2. A museum 3. A movie
Answers will vary.
Translate the following phrase: Juan is not the smartest boy in the class, but Juan is the kindest in the class.
What is Juan no es el chico más inteligente de la clase, pero Juan es el más simpático de la clase.
What makes a reflexive verb reflexive, other than the ending (i.e., difference between lavar and lavarse)? What are the five reflexive pronouns that we use when dealing with reflexive verbs?
What is A reflexive verb is a verb in which the doer of the action is also the receiver of the action (it is an action that one does to oneself). The reflexive pronouns are me, te, se, nos, and se.
Verbs that end in -car, -gar, and -zar are all irregular in the preterite. Which form is irregular, and what are the new endings?
The yo form is irregular, and the new endings are: -qué -gué -cé
Translate the following: Right now, I am drinking water. Tomorrow, I am going to drink milk.
What is Ahora, estoy bebiendo agua. Mañana, voy a beber leche.
Name all of the demonstrative adjectives. There are twelves total. (This/these, that/those, that/those waaaay over there)
este, esta, estos, estas ese, esa, esos, esas aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas
Give the following dates in Spanish: 1492 1776 1987 2013
What is mil cuatrocientos noventa y dos mil setecientos setenta y seis mil novecientos ochenta y siete dos mil trece
When are you allowed to attach a reflexive pronoun to the end of a verb, rather than putting it before the verb? Give an example.
You can attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of a verb when it comes after a verb that is already conjugated, or when it is attached to the present participle. Quiero lavarme el pelo. Estoy lavándome el pelo.
Sing the entire irregular preterite march.
Fui Di Vi Quise Hice Vine Yo Puse Pude Supe Yo Dije Traje Conduje Yo Tuve Estuve Anduve Yo...
The present progressive describes an action that is in process _________________ we are talking. The present progressive is a ______________ verb form/tense, meaning that it has two parts. The first part is _____________________, and the second part is the ____________________ of the verb. The present progressive expresses the ________________ ending in English. (3 letters)
at the moment, compound, estar, present participle, -ing
Translate the following. I always give something to someone for their birthday, but he never gives anyone anything.
What is Yo siempre (le) doy algo a alguien para su cumpleaños, pero él nunca da nada a nadie.
Complete the dialogue with the correct form of either SABER or CONOCER. --¿Tú (1) ___________________ tocar la guitarra? --No, no (2) ______________________, pero quiero aprender. ¿(3) ______________ a un buen profesor de guitarra? --Sí, (4) ______________________ a un hombre que (5) ____________________ tocar la guitarra clásica. Es muy bueno. ¿(6) _________________ dónde está el supermercado Juárez? Él vive cerca de ahí. --No, yo no (7) _________________________ donde está ese supermercado. Es que yo no (8) ______________________ la ciudad bien.
What is 1. sabes 2. sé 3. conoces 4. conozco 5. sabe 6. sabes 7. sé 8. conozco
Translate the following paragraph: I wake up at 6 and I get up at 7. I take a shower, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and I get dressed. I go to school.
What is Me despierto a las 6 y me levanto a las 7. Tomo una ducha, me cepillo los dientes, me cepillo (el pelo), y me visto. Voy a la escuela.
Give the present progressive conjugations for the following phrases: Yo ________________________ un vestido bonito. (ponerse - ¡ojo!) ¡Favor de no hablar! Los niños ___________________ . (dormir - ¡ojo!) Tú siempre ____________________ muy tarde. (despertarse - ¡ojo!) Ustedes ______________________ el postre a la fiesta. (traer - ¡ojo!) Ellos _____________________ el pollo para la cena. (pedir - ¡ojo!) El mesero _____________________ la comida. (servir - ¡ojo!) El niño _______________________ la verdad, pero su madre no lo cree porque miente todo el tiempo. (decir - ¡ojo!)
What is: me pongo, están durmiendo, te estás despertando, están trayendo, están pidiendo, está sirviendo, está diciendo
Primero, yo ___________ (hacer) mis maletas (suitcase). _____________ (poner) toda mi ropa en las maletas. Yo ____________________ (venir) a la estación de tren en taxi porque yo no _________________(conducir). Yo no _______________(querer) conducir porque tengo miedo de los coches. Yo __________ (ir) a la ventanilla (ticket window) y le _____________________(decir) al agente que necesitaba comprar un billete de ida y vuelta. Yo ___________________ (traer) mi identidad estudiantil y se la ________________ (dar) al agente para recibir el descuento. Después de comprar mi billete, _____________(andar) por el hall por cinco minutos. Durante estos minutos, yo ______________ (tener) que ir al baño. Después, fui al andén (train station platform). _______________ (estar) en el andén por cinco minutos. Porque yo ________________ (poder) leer el horario (schedule), yo __________ (saber) que mi tren iba a llegar tarde. Cuando el tren llegó __________________ (ver) que no había muchos asientos libres (free seats). Sin embargo, encontré un asiento libre y me senté.
hice, puse, vine, conduje, quise, fui, dije, traje, di, anduve, tuve, estuve, pude, supe, vi