Shakespeare and the Elizabethan Age
Serious Business
American Values
The Vietnam War
The Haves and the Have-Nots
Who was Queen in Shakespearean times?
Queen Elizabeth the 1st
Which humour theory does laughing at Joey in the sitcom Friends belong to?
The Superiority Theory
In which document was it stated that everyone was born equal and to have the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
The Declaration of Independence
When did the Vietnam War end?
in 1975 (American troops left Vietnam in 1973)
Who originally called himself “The Naked Chef”?
Jamie Oliver
Who does Lady Macbeth call upon to help her convince Macbeth to murder the king?
Evil spirits
Name the three major theories within humour.
the superiority theory the relief theory the incongruity theory
What did John Winthrop, the puritan, hope for the new colonies in America to be seen as by the rest of the world?
A City Upon a Hill
What do you call the kind of warfare the American soldiers fought in country in Vietnam?
Guerilla Warfare
How many children fall in the category "obese" in the USA in 2013 – chose from the following options: One in 5 – One in 4 – One in 3.
One in 3
How do Macbeth and Lady Macbeth plan to murder the king, and what is his name?
With daggers in his sleep – his name is King Duncan
What humorous device is used in this example, “I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.”
a pun
Name the one major issue that gave rise to the civil war between Northern and Southern States in 1861-1865?
The abolition of slavery
What do you call the mental problems many veterans from the war suffer from with an overall term?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Name two illnesses that may be caused by obesity.
Heart disease, diabetes
Which two elements struggle within a tragic hero according to Elizabethan beliefs?
Reason and Passion
What humorous device is used in this example, “There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said 'Keep off the Grass'.”
ambiguity / a pun
Name the three prices to be paid in order to obtain individual freedom, equality of opportunity and material wealth in the American system of values.
Self-reliance - Competition - Hard work
What did Stanley Milgram call the soldiers after they had finished training and when they were ready to be shipped off to Vietnam?
Name at least two things that can cause obesity.
Fatty foods a sedentary life style / lack of exercise
What do you call the hierarchical order in which the Elizabethans organized their world?
The Chain of Being
What is absurd about the ending of the Monty Python film “Life of Brian”?
Singing “Always look on the bright side of life” while being crucified…
Name the two "ideological wars" that the USA has engaged in in modern times in order to protect democratic values and prevent the spread of respectively communism and terror.
The Vietnam War and the wars in Iraq/Afghanistan
How does Caputo explain that a platoon of soldiers “exploded” and killed many civilians in his “A Rumor of War”?
Too much pressure and exhaustion
How do fast food chains target customers amongst children?
With TV-commercials, free gifts, and a cartoon characters, like Ronald McDonald