Being a forgetful teenager, she always lefts her gloves in the train and would lose her temper completely when her mother scolded her afterwards.
Being a forgetful teenager, she always left her gloves in the train and would lose her temper completely when her mother scolded her afterwards.
An Empire that controlled around 25% of the world’s landmass.
What is the British Empire?
Important “tool” in crime fiction that is used to keep the readers/viewers on the edge of their seats.
What is "suspense"?
The name of the thought experiment in ethics modeling an ethical dilemma.
What is “The Trolley Problem”?
Now it concerns the walrus of the youth.
What is "Walrus"?
Reporters occasionally have difficulties relying on the informations they get from their foreign sources.
Reporters occasionally have difficulties relying on the information they get from their foreign sources.
The author that the adjective “Orwellian” is named after.
Who is George Orwell?
Name of the TV show featuring a ritualistic murder in the poor American south.
A break-through surgical procedure that can help “design” your babies.
What is “CRISPR”?
LIngUa fRanCa?
What is "English/The unofficial go-to language of the world"?
The story is build up chronologically, but there are flashbacks to the main character’s past.
The story is built up chronologically, but there are flashbacks to the main character’s past.
The name of a short story about an immigrant father who loses control over his teenage son.
What is “My son the Fanatic”?
Name of the short story featuring a young female detective that can speak to the dead.
What is "Tell me"?
The genre most often associated with the ethics of technology.
What is “Science Fiction"?
My bruddahs don’t dap, we just **BEEP BEEP*
I tell your girl to link me in the coffee shop
Getting *beep beep beep beep beep beep*
Then I finish with a *beep beep beep beep* ayy.
What is "Vossi bop"?
The victims of the illness suffers death within 30 minutes
The victims of the illness suffer death within 30 minutes
A controversial company seen as partly responsible for Brexit.
Who is Cambridge Analytica?
A male crime fiction author who is famous for dozens of great crime and horror stories.
Who is "Stephen King"?
A Black Mirror episode about a futuristic world in which a misunderstood tech-genius traps his employees in a video game.
What is "USS Callister"?
The most read fictional book in the UK.
What is "the Bible"?
If I were you I would stop drinking and apologizing to your family.
If I were you I would stop drinking and apologize to your family.
He wrote the (in)famous poem The White Man’s Burden
Who is Rudyard Kipling?
A notorious serial killer who escaped from prison twice.
A hypothesis that questions the statistical probability of humans being real.
What is “the Simulation Hypothesis”?
The person behind the famous quote: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe".
Who is "The President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump"?