Types of Abuse
Does this Qualify
It's the Law
Making the call


What is the abbreviation for Adult Protective Services?


A caregiver using a 75 year old's credit card to buy a Starbucks everyday. 

What is financial exploitation. 


Bruises are found around an adult's wrists when doing an exam. The caregiver consistently says things to the effect of "wow you're dumb" and "you're so worthless" "If you do that again I won't feed you dinner"

What is a reportable incident?


Anyone who you suspect is being abused 65 and old OR a vulnerable person 18 years old and older. 

What are the age guidelines between calling to report abuse in adults?


The person who directly witnessed the act. 

Who is the reporter?


Facility investigations represent 25-35% of APS investigations.

What is the percentage of facilities involved in adult abuse investigations?


The highest reported type of abuse in 2021

What is financial exploitation?


Bed sores are forming on a 70 year old who is living in a care facility, the patient is brought in without a coat and it is 30* outside. When asked about the jacket the caregiver says "oh they're tough, they were fine"

What is a reportable incident. 

Reporters do not have to give their name when reporting APS. 

What is a protective factor allowed by Oregon law when making a report.


The alleged victim's name, age, and contact information & The accused person's name and contact information. 

What are the details I will be asked when I make the call?


At least 1 out of 10 adults over the age of 65 suffers from at least one type of abuse each year

What is the frequency of abuse in vulnerable adults?


Self-neglect, Financial Exploitation and Verbal abuse.

What are the top three reported types of abuse in Oregon for people over the age of 65?


65 year old patient's adult child tells you that their father abuses the patient.

What is a reportable situation?


Including desertion or willful forsaking of an elderly person or the withdrawal or neglect of duties and obligations owed an elderly person by a caretaker or other person.

What is abandonment?


1-855-503-SAFE (7233)

What is the number I call to report adult abuse?


Any public or private official having reasonable cause to believe that any person 65 years of age or older with whom the official comes in contact, while acting in an official capacity, has suffered abuse, or that any person with whom the official comes in contact while acting in an official capacity has abused a person 65 years of age or older

Who is responsible for making the APS call?


Physical, financial, sexual, verbal, seclusion, wrongful use of medical or physical restraint, abandonment and neglect.

What are the types of abuse definitions for ORS 124.050 to 124.095. 


A nurse suspects that an adult child is giving their 60 year old parent extra pain medication to make them sleep consistently through the day while the adult child was gone at work?

What is not considered a APS report?


A mandatory reporter should only report abuse they know for sure is happening with evidence.

What is false?

  • An investigator will gather information to assess the adult's safety and health
  • A plan will be developed for protective services if needed
  • The report will be assessed to determine if it meets the definition of abuse
  • If abuse is substantiated, an investigation will begin

What happens after I make a report?



What is the number of cases investigated in Clatsop County in 2021?

  • financial exploitation
  • neglect
  • verbal abuse
  • physical abuse & abandonment
  • sexual abuse
  • seclusion and restraint

What are the 6 types of abuse or neglect I am a mandatory reporter for?


Patient is living alone and has open wounds that are not being managed. He is 66 and says he isn't worried about them. He clearly has not showered in the recent past because he reports he doesn't enjoy it. 

What is a reportable offence. 


The inability of an adult to understand the consequences of his or her actions or inaction when that inability leads to or may lead to harm or endangerment to self or others.

What is self-neglect?



What is the wording for the time frame of which to make the call to APS?