What is an informational? / Que es un informacional?
To inform others of an incident that occurred. / Para informar a otras personas de un incidente que ocurrio.
How long do you have to advise about an incident that occurred? / Cuánto tiempo tienes para avisar sobre un incidente ocurrido?
You have no longer than 15 minutes to advise. / Tienes no mas de 15 minutos para avisar.
Who needs to be advised immediately after an incident occurs? / Quien necesita ser informado inmediatamente cuando ocurra un incidente?
Shift Leaders
What is an Incident Report? / Que es un Incident Report?
To advise of an incident that ocurred / Para avisar de algun incidente que ocurrio
How long do you have to complete the documentation for any type of report? / Cuánto tiempo tienes para completar la documentación para cualquier tipo de informe?
You have 1 hour to complete the documentation. / Tienes 1 hora para completar la documentacion.
What is the High 5 Approach? / Que es el High 5 Approach?
How long do we have to document a Child Level Event? / Cuanto tiempo tenemos para documentar un Child Level Event?
We have 4 hours to document / Tenemos 4 horas para documentar.
What are the different types of reports? / Cuales son los diferentes tipos de reportes?
*Informational Report
*Incident Report
*Child Level Events
*Non-Emergency Child Level Event
*Emergency Child Level Event