What is the first report that members receive?
Initial reports
Where are all of the templates for reports located?
In the reports drive
If a member needs a resource sent to them, what spreadsheet do you use to find vetted resources that you can send?
Guidance resource spreadsheet
What is the length for an initial report?
One paragraph
What report templates do you use directly from the dashboard?
Other tracks reports
Where do the report AM’s post important updates about reports?
Reports_guidance channel
If a benefit was sent in conversation and needs to be added to a report for the first time, what do you use to add this benefit?
Comcast and Enterprise benefit blurbs
When using a template, there is certain information that stays and does not need to be edited. What information do you need to edit that is in the templates?
Any information that is in red ink.
A member is considered non-engaged after not speaking for how many days?
thirty days
If you wrote a report, where do you note this information?
Report tracker
Comcast - Non-engaged Timed Guidance report
How many days before the report is due can you write it?
Two days
When writing reports, what is the flow or order of reports?
Initial, Milestone two(DMSA/priority), Timed guidance.
In order to pick the correct template, you have to figure out if a member is non-engaged or engaged. What is the important information you need to figure out before selecting the appropriate template:
If the member is Comcast or Self-Paid/Enterprise
What two documents are going to be the “bread and butter” for report writing?
Reports FAQ document and Process for report writing