
This word refers to the point of view through which historical events are interpreted and presented

What is perspective?


This term refers to the collective customs, beliefs, and practices of a group, which influence how historical events are presented in textbooks.

What is culture?


Different national perspectives or biases.

What is one reason why historical events might be portrayed differently in textbooks from various countries?


This term refers to the way historical events are shaped by cultural, national, or ideological perspectives in textbooks. 

What is historical bias?


This term refers to the study of how we know what we know, central to the TOK curriculum.

What is epistemology?


The portrayal of this 20th-century global conflict is often vastly different between American and Russian textbooks.

What is World War II?


In Japanese textbooks, this cultural practice from World War II is often portrayed as a form of honorable sacrifice, while other countries view it as extreme and tragic.

What is kamikaze?



What is refers to how facts from the past are understood and explained differently by historians?


The belief that history is written by these individuals, often reflecting their perspectives on truth and power.

Who are the victors?


In TOK, these are the eight main categories we use to organize and understand knowledge, including areas like history, the arts, and natural sciences.

What are Areas of Knowledge?


This factor heavily influences how historical events are portrayed, as it reflects a country’s collective values, beliefs, and experiences. 

What is cultural context?


In many Indian textbooks, this leader is revered as a cultural icon of resistance and non-violence, while in British texts, his impact is often minimized.

Who is Mahatma Gandhi?


They can shape the selection and emphasis of facts to reflect national pride or certain viewpoints.

How can cultural or national values influence the way historical events are presented in textbooks?


This theory asserts that the truth of a historical event should be based on how well it aligns with observable facts. 

What is the correspondence theory of truth?


This TOK concept refers to something that shapes and filters our perception of the world, such as language, emotion, reason, or sense perception.

What are Ways of Knowing?


Textbooks in different areas may portray the the racial segregation under the all-white government of South Africa as either as a crime against humanity or as a means of maintaining order and stability.

What is the Apartheid?


In South Africa, how has the post-apartheid cultural shift influenced the representation of colonialism and the struggle for independence in school curriculum?

Post-apartheid South Africa highlights the wrongs of colonialism and apartheid, focusing on the fight for freedom and equality. This reflects the country's shift towards reconciliation and democratic values.


Why might a historical event like World War II be taught differently in a German textbook compared to an American textbook?

because of the different roles each country played and the desire to highlight different aspects of the war.


In this country, textbooks may emphasize the nation’s role in liberating Europe during World War II, while others focus on its delay in entering the war.

What is the United States?


This term in TOK refers to facts or beliefs justified by evidence or reason, rather than mere opinion or assumption.

What is knowledge?


This term describes the notion that historical truth may be difficult to achieve because it is shaped by various cultural perspectives and biases.

What is historical relativism?


The 1950-53 war between North and South Korea is depicted as a heroic struggle against Western imperialism in the North, while in the South, textbooks emphasize this cultural value of fighting for democracy.

What is the Korean War?


Subjectivity influences the interpretation by allowing personal, cultural, or political biases to affect how the facts are presented.

How does the concept of subjectivity play a role in how historical events are interpreted in textbooks across different countries?


This event, occurring during World War II, is portrayed as a heroic invasion in Russian textbooks but as an occupation in many Eastern European countries.

What is the Soviet occupation of Eastern Europe (or Soviet liberation of Eastern Europe)?


This TOK term refers to the idea that there may be different valid perspectives on a subject, often depending on the context or culture.

What is relativism?