what is the name of the ligament that connects the uterus to the spine?
What is uterosacral ligament
what stage of menstrual cycle has coiled glands filled with mucous, edematous stroma, and totruous spiral arteries?
What is luteal phase
65 year old woman has a breast mass. What is your diagnosis?
What is breast cancer
A female patient has an ambiguous genitalia. A karyotype shows she is XY. She is found to have no uterus, what hormone is responsible for this absent structure?
What is MIF/AMH
A woman is about to undergo an oopherectomy. To decrease bleeding in this procedure, what structure must be clamped?
What is suspensory ligament
A pregnant woman presents with diarrhea, sensitivity to heat, moist skin, tachycardia. Her TSH is normal. What is causing these symptoms?
What is hcg. Has the same alpha group and can interact with TSH receptors leading to inc T3/4.
Pregnant woman in third trimester has leg swelling, hertburn, and BP of 165/100. What else will be seen?
What is proteinuria
-triad of pre-eclampsia=edema, hypertension, and proteinuria. Occurs between 20 weeks-6 weeks post partum
-Cure=delivery of fetus
-give MgSO4 to prevent seizures
Testicular mass that transilluminates DDx?
What is hydrocele or spermatocele
-no transillumination=cancer
What 4 structures are formed from the wolfian ducts?
What is Seminal vesicles, Epididymis, Ejaculatory duct, and Ductus deferens (SEED)
A male infant named Moustafa is born and found to have major bilateral cryptorchidism. What laboratory values of FSH, LH, and Inhibin will be seen (inc, normal, dec)?
What is FSH=inc, LH=normal, inhibin=dec
A pregnant woman comes in for a pregnancy checkup. It has been 2 weeks since her last visit. Her hcg level at this visit is 2,000 and her hcg level from her visit 2 weeks ago was 1,900. What 2 problems should you be concerned or?
What are ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage
Pregnant pt has vaginal bleeding. A D&C is performed and shows a cluster of grapes. Which hormone should be monitored
What is B-hcg
Name 2 things that dec risk for ovarian cancer?
What is OCP, breast feeding, and multiparity
What abdominal organ abnormality is seen in turner's patients? What vessel is responsible for abnormal position?
What is Horshoe kidney and IMA
A young girl with precocious puberty is tall for her age, but will be short compared to her peers eventually. What hormone is responsible?
What is estrogen. inc estrogen->inc long bone growth and maturation due to effect on epiphyseal plates
What part of the menstrual cycle does hcg stimulate?
What is LH surge
Pregnant pt in her second trimester is diagnosed with gestational diabetes. What is 1st line Tx?
What is diet and exercise (insulin is recommended after this fails to reduce blood sugar to below 100 mg/dl)
A young woman is felt to has an ovarian mass on physical exam. What should you do next?
What is US
-imaging modality of choice for ovarian masses
A pt uretheral folds fail to close. What problem will this pt have?
What is hypospadius
progesterone withdrawal causes what cellular process to occur?
What is apoptosis
Name 2 causes of increased a-FP and 1 cause of decreased a-FP?
Woamn has menstrual periods 2-3 times per year, obesity, and facial hair. What type of cancer is she at increased risk for and why?
What is endometrial adenocarcinoma due to unopposed estrogen stimulation
-excess estrogen made from aromitazation of testosterone in fat cells
35 year old woman presents with a mass in her right breast. On histology lost of fibrous tissue with clusters of glands are seen. What is the diagnosis?
What is Fibroadenoma
-has myxoid stroma that encircles and compresses glands
Baby is born w/ bilateral absence of kidneys. 12 hours after birth the newborn dies. What is the most likely cause?
What is lung immaturity
-Potter's Syndrome mnemonic=POTTER (Pulmonary hypoplasia, Oligohydramnios, Twisted skin, Twisted face, Extremity defects, Renal agenesis)