What demographic of women when broken down by race had the largest percentage of abortions reported in the US in 2015 (the latest calendar year with CDC compiled and verified data)?
What is non-Hispanic white women?
___________ are 2 to 6 times more likely to die from complications of pregnancy than white women, depending on where they live.
Who are Black/African American Women?
Modifying the way you speak so you don't alienate anyone or provide misinformation.
What is inclusive language?
In 1916, _______________ was founded on the idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams.
What is Planned Parenthood?
91% of abortions were performed at ________ weeks of gestation or less.
What is 13 weeks or less? Also, ⅔ of abortions were performed at 8 weeks of gestation or less.
______________ may have uteri and need access to the same reproductive care as cis women.
Who are Trans men/non-binary people?
Being _________ is when asking clients about behaviors and body parts rather than identifiers.
What is being direct?
______________ was founded with the mission to advocate for improved maternal health policies and regulations, to educate the public about the impact of maternal mortality in communities, provide peer support to the victim’s family, friends, and promote the idea that maternal mortality should be viewed, and discussed as a human rights issue.
What is 4Kira4Moms?
Approximately ________ of women of reproductive age rely on Medicaid to access no-cost, critical reproductive health care such as birth control, life-saving cancer screenings, and maternity care.
Who is 1 in 5 women?
____________ is the right to choose what is best for our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.
What is bodily autonomy?
When acting as a __________ we are advocating for those who are under served through using inclusive language, hanging visual indicators of acceptance, and supporting legislative efforts.
What is an ally?
__________ is a Southern-based, national membership organization; our purpose is to build an effective network of individuals and organizations to improve institutional policies and systems that impact the reproductive lives of marginalized communities.
What is SisterSong?
__________ states have a statute that requires a waiting period for abortions--a mandate where a physician cannot perform an abortion until a certain number of hours after the patient is notified of their options in dealing with pregnancy.
What are 30 states?
______________ is a concept that was developed by a caucus of black feminists during a pro-choice conference in 1994.
What is Reproductive Justice?
What is the Reproductive Health Act?
The arrow points to this part.
What is suspensory ligament of ovary?