This man shot and killed Hamilton in a duel
Who was Aaron Burr
The "era of good feelings" began when this president was elected
Who was James Monroe
The invention of this drastically increased the desire for slavery in the south
The cotton gin
Jefferson found his place as the leader of this party
Who are Republicans
A key element of Hamilton's financial plan was to establish this
What is the national bank
Henry Clay's economic plan to make America more self-reliant and less dependent on Europe, especially Britain
What was the "American System"
This legislation drew a line from east to west along the 36th parallel, dividing the nation into two halves; half free, half slave
What was the Missouri Compromise
This incident involved three French agents and nearly caused war between the U.S. and France
What is the XYZ affair
The main argument against the creation of a national bank
What is unconstitutional
This legislation was proposed by John C. Calhoun, passed by Congress in 1817, it provided for the use of Federal funds to finance the building of roads and canals
What was the bonus bill
The United States sent formerly enslaved people to Africa to settle here, they founded a country
What is Liberia
The election of Jefferson marked the first time this party was not in power
Who are the Federalists
This U.S. bill features Hamilton
What is the 10$ bill
A feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to one's country
What is Nationalism
A network of routes and safe houses used for Slaves to escape the slave states
The underground railroad
When Adams took office he inherited a dispute with this European country
What is France
This was the opposition to the tax Hamilton put on whiskey to fix national debt
What was the Whiskey Rebellion
A large horse drawn vehicle that was used in the past to travel a fixed route with passengers or parcels, widely used before the introduction of railway travel
What is a stagecoach
This vice president argued that slavery was a positive good for the enslaved
Who was John C. Calhoun
Jefferson helped design this university
What is University of Virginia