Key Term Definitions
Context Clues
Context Clues
Textual Evidence

What is another way to describe the main idea? 

a) What the passage or reading section is mainly about 

b) the moral of the story 

c) boring

a) What the passage or reading section is mainly about


The children danced to the music with merry JUBILATION. What does JUBILATION mean? a) delight b) distress c) surprise

a) delight


This school has a lot of DIVERSITY. We have students from many races, religions and cultural backgrounds. What does "DIVERSITY" mean? a) Different cultures b) Same kinds of things or people together c) Different kinds of things or people together

c) Different kinds of things or people together


Alex was in a hurry to get home to watch football. He was driving over the speed limit when suddenly, he heard a siren and saw flashing lights, "No! Please not now," he thought. What do you think is happening? How do you know?

A police officer is pulling him over and he will get a speeding ticket. He will probably miss part of the football game that he wanted to watch.


The girl walked down the street with her head hanging down she had just lost her first soccer game. What detail from the text can tell you how the girl was feeling?

Her head is hanging.


What is an inference? 

a) How you cite your evidence from the text

b) An educated guess based on the text

c) How you figure out words you don't know

b) An educated guess based on the text


The substitute teacher felt EXASPERATED because she could not get the students to stop talking and listen. What does EXASPERATED mean? a) lonely b) frustrated c) depressed

b) frustrated


Keep your speech concise to save time. We have many students who need to present their reports. What does "CONCISE" mean? What does CONCISE mean? 

a.) short b.) exact c.) long

b) exact


Erick's mom is having a birthday party this weekend. He wants to do something special for her. Erick knows that his mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. He turned on the computer and looked at the map. What is Erick doing? How do you know?

Erick is going to plan a trip to the Grand Canyon for his mom. Key words: mom always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon. and he looked at the map.


Bob went to see a football game with his dad. They had been looking forward to this game for months. Their favorite team was playing. There team ended up losing. Bob was so upset. Based on the text, WHY was Bob upset?

His team lost.


What is a context clue?  

a)Hints that help define a difficult or unknown word

b)An unknown word in a passage

c) use of quotations marks

a)Hints that help define a difficult or unknown word


Tanya's mother drives slowly when she gets close to the school and is careful to watch for PEDESTRIANS. What would be a synonym for PEDESTRIANS?

a) people walking 

b) pretty scenery 

c) fruit stands

a) people walking


Even though Paul was excited about the project, he wanted the other kids to think he was cool, so he answered the teacher's question in a NONCHALANT tone. What would be a synonym for NONCHALANT? a) relaxed b) enthusiastic c) angry

a) relaxed


"Kenneth!" Mom called out as she opened the front door. "Please help me with my groceries. Kenneth!" mom called out. Still there was no reply. Mom walked into the kitchen and saw the shattered pieces from the window all over the floor and a baseball not far from there. Why do you think Kenneth was not answering to his mom? Why do you think so?

Kenneth accidentally broke a window while he was outside playing baseball. He's not answering because he doesn't want to get into trouble.


John was a Nascar driver and he had just one his first race. He climbed out of the window of his car and threw his fist up into the air. John was so overjoyed he began to grin from ear to ear. He would never forget the moment he won his very first race. What detail from the text tells you how John feels?

He grinned, threw his fist up, never forget the moment.


What is textual evidence?  

a) what the text is mostly about

b) an educated guess from the text

c) proof from the text to support your claim

c) proof from the text to support your claim


Susie could smell the AROMA of freshly baking bread as soon as she walked into the kitchen. What does AROMA mean? a) scent b) sound c) stink

a) scent


That movie had an INTENSE effect on me. I could not stop thinking about it! What does INTENSE mean? a.) powerful b.) mild c.) bad

a) powerful


Elizabeth was so proud of her garden. She planted the seeds early in the spring and watered the plants every morning. Last Friday, her mom called and asked her to come over for the weekend because she was feeling sick. When Elizabeth came back home, her plants were bent and drooping. Why were the plants drooping? How do you know?

She had not watered them for a few days, so the plants were not doing well.


Kate stared at the giant parking lot. She couldn't remember where she parked her car. This happened every time she went to the mall. "Where could it be?" she said, "I thought it would be right here." She sat down on the ground and began to frown. What detail from the text tells you how she feels?



What are the four types of context clues? 

a) textual evidence, inference, synonym, antonym

b)synonym, antonym, definition, examples

c) cognate, textual evidence, antonym, inferences 

b) synonym, antonym, definition, examples


Luke was COMPENSATED for the yard work he had done over the summer. He spent the money he had earned on a new bike. What does COMPENSATED mean? a)thanked b) complimented c) paid

c) paid


Tanya's mother drives slowly when she gets close to the school and is careful to watch for PEDESTRIANS. What would be a synonym for PEDESTRIANS? a) people walking b) pretty scenery c) fruit stands

a) people walking


Dad and Anna were finishing up a project in the garage together. "Can we paint the roof red?" asked Anna. "Sure," said Dad. "Then when the paint dries we can find a place to hang it in the backyard." What do you think Dad and Anna are making? Why do you think so?

Dad and Anna are making a birdhouse.


My hands felt shaky and I took a deep breath. I knew I had to give a speech in front of the whole school. What detail from the text tells you how I feel?

Shaky hands