Validity Concepts
Research Design
Threats to validity

It is the type of validity that allows us to make inferences about whether the experimental treatments, make a difference in  this specific experimental instance . Shaddish, Cook and Cambpell (2002)

What is internal validity?


It is the type of research where the scientist controls an independent variable or treatment and studies its effects on a dependent variable

What is experimental research?


It is a type of sampling where participants are organized in groups and the researcher randomly selects them from those groups. Creswell (2009)

What is Cluster Sampling?


It is a systematic error or deviation from validity, or a deformation of the research practice that produces such deviation. Hammersley & Goom (1997)

What is BIAS?


It is a threat that the conditions of sample participants differ from the conditions of the people in a population. Shaddish, Cook & Campbell (2002)

What is Selection Validity Threat?


It is the type of validity that ask "to what population, settings, treatment variables, are measurements variables can this effect be generalized" Shaddish, Cook & Campbell (2002)

What is external validity?


(Two concepts) It is the type of non-experimental research where data are collected looking backwards in time to compare it with present data and the researchers try to explain a theory or phenomenon. Johnson (2002)

What is retrospective explanatory research?


It is the type of non-random sampling where participants are intentionally selected because the researcher considers they will help best understand the problem and the research question. Creswell (2009)

What is purposeful sampling?


It is a systematic error in the measurement of sampling procedures that produces erroneous results. Hammersley & Gomm (1997)

What is Measurement or Sampling Bias?


A threat to internal validity occurring when external effects could have produced the observed outcome in the absence of treatment. Shaddish, Cook & Campbell (2002)

What is History validity threat?


Is the validity that allows us to infer that the independent and dependent variables covary or correlates

What is statistical (or Statistical Conclusion) validity?

What is Concurrent or predictive validity?


(Two concepts) It is the type of non-experimental research where data are collected from participants at a single point in time or during a single relatively brief period and the researchers were displaying reported document the characteristics of a phenomenon. Johnson (2002)

What is a descriptive cross-sectional research?


It is a type of non-randomized sampling in which respondents are chosen based on their accessibility or availability. Creswell (2009)

What is Convenience sampling?


It is the type of bias that occurs when the researchers have developed a particular interpretation of explanation of a theory. They then interpret the data in terms of it, be on the lookout for data that confirm it, or shape that data production process in ways that lead to it. Hammersley & Gomm (1997)

What is Confirmation Bias?


It is a threat to internal validity that occurs when participants in a study failed to complete the outcome measures. Shaddish, Cook & Campbell (2002)

What is attrition (mortality) validity threat?


It is the validity that allows us to conclude that we are representing the content of the curriculum, task, job analysis or construct. Krathwohl

What is Content validity?


(two concepts) It is the type of non-experimental research where data are collected from participants at more than one point in time and the researchers want to predict or forecast some event or phenomenon in the future. Johnson (2002)

What is a predictive longitudinal study?


it is the type of non-random sampling where participants self-select to a study

What is Voluntary response sample?


It is the Bias occurring when the researcher is not aware that he or she is tailoring the inquiry to produce findings designed to serve other goals than knowledge.

What is Unconscious bias?


It is a confound that can occur when you study groups that have extreme scores on a dependent variable. Bernard (2000)

What is regression to the mean?


The validity that allows being certain that we are using adequate definitions and measures of the variables. Or that the measurements (scores) of a variable serve a useful purpose and have positive consequences when they are used in practice. Creswell (2009)

What is Construct Validity?


It is the type of non-experimental research where the same individuals are studied at successive points overtime.

What is panel or prospective studies research?


It is the type of sampling where the sample represents or reflects the true proportion of the population of individuals with certain characteristics. Creswell (2009)

What is Stratified sampling?


It is the tendency for survey respondents to agree with research statements, without the action being a true reflection of their own position or the question itself

What is Acquiescence or agreement Bias? 


It is a type of construct validity threat that occurs when the operationalization of a construct underrepresented (e.g., single operationalization) the construct of interest or measures irrelevant constructs.

What is the Mono-operation BIAS threat to construct validity?