Ethical Considerations
Literature Review
Stats/Descriptive Stats
Program Evaluation

Examples of ethical concerns related to research include ALL BUT WHICH of the following?

A) Issues of informed consent 

B) Client anonymity

C) Ensuring best treatment for clients

D) Fees and billing arrangements for counseling appointments

D) Fees and billing arrangements for counseling appointments


A literature review is best defined as

a) A comprehensive and exhaustive analysis of all related published research

b) A comparison of previous studies to the present study

c) An overview of the pertinent literature on a published topic

d) A discussion of the present study’s results in comparison to existing literature

c) An overview of the pertinent literature on a published topic


One of the major strengths of developing theory through Grounded Theory methodology is

a) the discovery of action and process.

b) existing theory drives the research process.

c) data serve as one important source for theory formulation, but not central to the research process.

d) the exclusive use of focus groups as the primary data gathering technique.

a) the discovery of action and process.


Measurement is best defined as

a) A classification proposed to describe the nature of information contained within numbers assigned to objects and, therefore, within the variable

b) A management system for data

c) How a researcher classifies ordinal and nominal data

d) The manner in which data is transformed into descriptive statistics

a) A classification proposed to describe the nature of information contained within numbers assigned to objects and, therefore, within the variable


There are multiple motives for conducting program evaluation. Of the following, which is the primary reason for conducting program evaluation?

a) Managed care has significantly reduced the amount of time clients can be in services

b) It is ethically responsible for best practice in counseling

c) Provides evidence for new or continued funding sources

d) Counselors are afforded research and publication opportunities

b) It is ethically responsible for best practice in counseling


Researchers who practice with “a commitment to intellectual honesty and personal responsibility” and “adherence to rules, regulations, guidelines. and commonly accepted professional codes” are considered to be following the principles of

a) Research norms

b) Ethical mandates

c) Research integrity

d) Client anonymity

c) Research integrity


Quotations are best utilized when

a) The information can be summarized or paraphrased

b) The original tone of the author is irrelevant

c) Phrases of interest are idiosyncratic in nature

d) They are in abundance throughout the body of the manuscript

c) Phrases of interest are idiosyncratic in nature


Ideas that emerge from the phenomena being studied are referred to as

a) Coding

b) Concepts

c) Categories

d) Properties

b) Concepts


Which of the following is true about nominal scales?

a) They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people’s attitudes

b) They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank

c) These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value

d) The distance between scale points are equal

e) They have a true zero point

c) These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value


The starting point for any program evaluation is

a) Developing a research instrument

b) Collecting data

c) Talking with stakeholders about their perceptions

d) Determining needs based on the mission statement of the program

d) Determining needs based on the mission statement of the program


Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is

a) Exemplified in the counselor who follows the ethical codes and maintains research integrity

b) Defined as “conducting research in ways that fulfill the professional responsibilities of researchers, as defined by their professional organization, the institutions for which they work, and when relevant, the government and public”

c) Required by law

d) All of the above

e) a & b only

e) a & b only


Methods of determining a research topic include

a) Studying personal interests

b) Studying topics mentioned in academic courses

c) Replicating a previous study

d) All of the above

e) a & b only

e) a & b only


Variables such as religion and sexual orientation are considered

a) Categorical

b) Numerical

c) Quantitative

d) Constants

a) Categorical


Which of the following is true about ratio scales?

a) They range from strongly agree to strongly disagree and rate people’s attitudes

b) They divide observations into categories and provides measurement by order and rank

c) These scales consist of numbers assigned to groups or categories which have no inherent quantitative value

d) The distance between scale points are equal

e) They have a true zero point

d) The distance between scale points are equal


When the program evaluation is conducted to determine how well the aims of the program have been achieved, it is known as

a) Management-oriented model

b) Objectives -oriented model

Contextual-oriented model

Consumer-oriented model

b) Objectives -oriented model


Which of the following is NOT true about The Belmont Report

a) Was created by the National Commission for Research Ethics

b) Arose out of the legal implications of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study

c) Is the cornerstone document of research ethics

d) All of the above are true

a) Was created by the National Commission for Research Ethics


A primary consideration in selecting relevant literature is

a) Availability

b) Quality

c) Multiple authorship

d) Seminal

b) Quality


When studying the effect of maternal alcohol use and disruptive behavior in children, the child’s disruptive behavior is considered

a) The independent variable

b) The dependent variable

c) Unrelated to maternal alcohol use

d) Qualitative data

b) The dependent variable


A graduate’s score on the NCE is considered a measure of their knowledge and relates to

a) Content validity

b) Construct validity

c) Convergent validity

d) Discriminant validity

a) Content validity


CACREP utilizes an approach to program evaluation that fits which model most closely?

a) Utilitarian model

b) Institutionist/pluralist model

c) Contextual-oriented model

d) Consumer-oriented model

b) Institutionist/pluralist model


The Belmont principle that references the concepts that individuals should be treated as autonomous agents and provides protection for those with diminished autonomy is

a) Respect for persons

b) Beneficence

c) Justice

d) Veracity

a) Respect for persons


Within the body of the literature review, it is the researcher’s responsibility to

a) Report on each study read

b) Report only those studies that confirm the current study

c) Synthesize the relevant literature into a logical format

d) Predict the results of the current study

c) Synthesize the relevant literature into a logical format


The concept that research participants are more motivated to perform when they know they are being studied is known as

a) Halo effect

b) Experimenter effect

c) Hawthorne effect

d) John Henry effect

c) Hawthorne effect


A researcher gives a class of 8th graders a test on basic concepts of conflict resolution at the end of a 6 week psychoeducation group on the topic. The average score on the test is 82. This is known as the

a) Mean

b) Mode

c) Indicator of success of the group

d) Normal distribution

a) Mean


Opinion surveys are widely used approaches to data collection that rely heavily on

a) The technical elements and adequacy of the instrument

b) The skill of the researcher conducting the survey

c) Availability of focus groups

d) Behavioral indicators

a) The technical elements and adequacy of the instrument