I have closed question
I am self-completion
I am the research method that is most likely to collect representative data.
I need well trained researchers who have a background in sociology so they can recognise when the participant has shown something sociologically important.
I acted as 'look out' or 'watch queen' to allow me to study this social group.
Name the study OR the researcher.
Laud Humphreys - 'Tea Room Trade'
How many marks is a MIC question out of?
20 marks.
I have controlled conditions
I measure cause and effect relationships
Laboratory experiment
I can be used with deviant and criminal groups when nothing else would work.
Participant observations
Although lots of participants may have the opportunity to take part in me, many will chose not to, so although I have the potential to be representative, I often am not.
I was so sickened by the events I was witnessing that I had to leave the research.
Name of researcher or study.
James Patrick
A Glasgow Gang Observed
What are the bands used in the marking of MIC questions.
Name a minimum of two for 100 points
Name all four for 200 points
B0 - Context only
B1 - Method only
B2 - Method and education generally
B3 - Method and context specifically
I need a contact to complete the study
I need a cover story to complete the study
Covert observation
I am a very flexible research method, as I allow the researcher to explore what they think is important.
Unstructured interviews.
Although I am carried out in the natural environment of the participants, I am still unethical as they don't know that they are in a study.
Field experiment
Covert observations
We found that the 'Bloomers' self-fulfilled their label.
Name of researchers or study.
Rosenthal and Jacobson
Pygmalion in the classroom.
Suggest one problem a sociologist might have if they wanted to carry out a PO of teacher labelling in a school.
Teachers would change their behaviour to make it look like they didn't label pupils.
Teachers would refuse to allow the researcher into their classroom or meetings.
I am useful for studying vulnerable groups
I may take longer than other ones like me
Unstructured interviews
I allow comparisons between social groups to be made as I am collected at regular intervals.
Official statistics.
I am only a snapshot of a moment in time, so I can't tell you about changes over time.
I only 4.5% of the participants to take part in my study.
Name of researcher or study.
Shere Hite
Love, Passion and Emotional Violence
Name two things that you need to consider to get into the top mark band in a MIC question.
Research characteristics of the students or teachers or parents.
The research context and settings such as classrooms, classrooms and pupils homes.
The sensitivity of researching pupils for the topic being studied.
I exist in two forms
I can be useful when there are no other options
Secondary sources
I enable the researcher to take notes openly and avoid the ethical dilemma of deceit.
Overt observation.
Feminists argue that I am patriarchal and give a distorted and invalid picture of women's experience.
Structured interviews
I found it difficult to remain detached and neutral whilst studying this group.
Name of researcher or study.
Ann Oakley
'From here to maternity'.
Suggest three problems a sociologist might have if they wanted to carry out a covert PO of the experience of teachers going through an Ofsted inspection.
Access/permission of the school/Head teacher/Governors
Cover story/role that enables the researcher to actually be in the school
Ethics - deception and lack of informed consent or the teachers