Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Wild Card
The last stage of the research process.
What is Communicating Findings?
PSYCInfo and Medline are examples of this.
What is a widely use database in Psychology?
You would use a ______ research design to answer the following question: How many people living in Vegas engage in risky sexual behavior? And you would use a ____ research design to answer the following question: Do people who have lived in Vegas for longer periods of time engage in more risky sexual behaviors?
What is Descriptive and Correlational?
This study involved the failure of healthcare professionals to provide treatment to men with syphilis.
What is the Tuskegee Study?
A study conducted in the field (versus a lab) usually results in increased ______ validity.
What is External?
To determine what other researchers have learned on our topic of interest, we need to conduct a literature search. The best sources of quality scientific information are _____.
What are peer reviewed journal articles?
You use this process when you cannot get access to a full text article through your institution's library.
What is Interlibrary loan?
Using college students in research can be a threat to _____ ____ because results may not generalize to other populations.
What is External Validity?
A committee that examines all proposed research with respect to its treatment of human participants. Approval must be obtained by this committee before any research is conducted with human participants.
What is an Institutional Review Board?
When the sample has the same characteristics as the target population, it is said to be a ______ sample.
What is representative?
Hasan is developing a hypothesis. He can use one of the following strategies to help him generate that hypothesis.
What is introspection, exception to the rule, matter of degree, or change the directionality?
A _____ is a specific testable claim and a ______ is a broad statement used to explain an existing body of knowledge and organize evidence related to a topic.
What is a hypothesis and a theory?
An extraneous variable that changes systematically along with the two other variables being studied. This variable provides an alternative explanation for the observed relations between two variables and is a threat to internal validity.
What is a Confounding Variable?
The practice of keeping strictly secret and private the information obtained from individuals during a research study.
What is Confidentiality?
A researcher is conducting a study in which the same group of individuals participates in a series of treatment conditions that are designed to boost immune health over several weeks. A flu outbreak that occurs in the middle of the study would be an example of a ____ effect, which is a threat to ______.
What is history and internal validity?
During this stage of the research process you select a research design and collect data.
What is Test Your Hypothesis?
Name two criteria for developing a good hypothesis.
What is specific, testable, falsifiable, replicable, precise, or parsimonious?
Dr. Belgrave is conducting a study examining beliefs about illicit drug use and risky sexual behaviors. However, during her study, the university that she is collecting her sample from runs an anti-drug use campaign that focuses on decreasing the spread of STDs. Dr. Belgrave's experiment may possibly be confounded by _____ effects.
What is History?
The presenting of misinformation about a study to study participants - usually about the purpose of the study.
What is Active Deception?
What is one element of study design unique to the experimental design?
What is manipulation?
A data collection method in which each participant or subject is assessed on the DV more than once.
What is Within Subjects Design?
_________ reasoning is a top down/theory driven approach in which researchers begin with a specific claim or theory that generates predictions from which observations can be made to support or refute the claim or theory.
What is Deductive?
Selection bias is a threat to ____ validity.
What is external validity?
This is required to be used if deception was employed in a research study. This practice generally happens at the conclusion of study participation and can involve conveying what the study was actually about and justifying why deception was used.
What is Debriefing?
A researcher studies language development by selecting a sample of 2-year-old children and giving them a language skill test. Each year for the next two years, the children are brought back and tested again. The researcher plans to compare the children’s scores at age two, age three, and age four. This study is an example of ________.
What is a longitudinal design?