Motivation is to improve the human condition.
What is Applied Research?
"Extra" variables we didn't account for in our study.
What is Confounding Variables?
Researcher measures the relationship between two variables.
What is Correlational Research?
The affects of maturation, testing, & instrumentation on the research.
What is Pretest Posttest Challenges?
Survey Participants.
What are Respondents?
Turning an abstract concept into something measurable.
What is Operationalization?
This can be completed in 2 ways: No treatment or Placebo
What is Control Condition?
Making observations of behavior without any manipulation.
What is Observational Research?
A treatment is implemented & a DV is measured after that treatment.
What is One-Group Posttest Only?
The order of questions can influence how people respond.
What is Item-Order Effects?
Reduction in the number of research participants due to dropouts.
What is Attrition?
Each participant is only tested in one condition.
What is Between-Subjects experiments?
A specific kind of rating scale that asks about agreement with statements.
What is Likert Scales?
This looks at the effect of multiple IVs on one DV.
What are Factorial Designs?
Three things to avoid when wording questions.
What is Double-Barreled, Negatively Worded, & Leading questions?
A process of systematically collecting and evaluating evidence to test ideas and answer questions.
What is Scientific Method?
Participants are tested under all conditions.
What is Within-Subjects experiments?
If you restrict your data collection to a small range of one or both of your variables.
What is Restriction of Range?
A between-subjects design in which participants have not been randomly assigned to conditions.
What is Non-Equivalent Groups Design?
Unintended influences on respondents’ answers because they are not related to the content of the item but to the context in which the item appears.
What is Context Effects?
This committee is charged with ensuring all experimental proposals require humane treatment of animal research subjects.
What is Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee?
Present all levels of an IV to participants in different sequences.
What is Counterbalancing?
The problem where two variables, X and Y, are statistically related either because X causes Y, or because Y causes X, and thus the causal direction of the effect cannot be known
What is Directionality Problem?
The treatment is removed from the first group when it is added to the second group.
The meaning of BRUSO.
What is “brief,” “relevant,” “unambiguous,” “specific,” and “objective"?