Method to the Madness
Pros and Cons and What's the Difference
No Bad Science
Stat Attack
Anything Goes

A type of research method that involves understanding phenomena as they are experienced by and have meaning for the people involved and as they occur naturally in the real world.

What is...Qualitative Research Method


Two advantages of this type of research method include:

- Allowing researchers to examine the relationship between variables that would be extremely difficult to isolate experimentally

- Allowing researchers considerable scope to investigate many aspects of phenomena at the same time in the environment where they occur (unlike experimental designs, which are typically difficult to conduct in natural settings)

What is...Survey Method?


A type of experimental research design that reduces risk for threat to internal validity because each participant is their own control because it is the same participant being measured in each condition

Within-subjects design


This is a type of inferential statistical calculation that is used to measure the range of values in which a population parameter is likely to occur, given some probability level. 

*Hint* This test shows the boundary that borders above and below the sample mean and helps predict the true mean of the population.

What is...Confidence Interval?


_______ provide a moral framework and generic set of principles designed to inform the conduct of psychologists in psychological research.

What is...Ethics (Code of Ethics)?

Bonus: What is one of the 4 core principles in ethical research?


A procedure involving the collection of information about different variables in order to measure those variables and the relationship between them (descriptive procedure)

What is...Survey Method?


A limitation of this type of research method is that it does not allow researchers to draw causal inferences about their findings.

What is...Correlation Research Method?


A threat to internal validity posed by people’s awareness that they are participating in research. As a result of this awareness, findings arise from the fact that research is being done, rather than from the nature of the research manipulations (a type of participant reactivity)

What is...the Hawthorne effect?


A shape of response distribution that shows a high proportion of responses below the mean. 

What is...Positive skew?

Bonus question:

Which of the following is the most accurate measure of central tendency to use when the data is severely skewed? 

Mean, Median, or Mode?


A type of experimental research design in which participants are exposed to different levels of the independent variable.

Between-subjects design


A type of research method this is usually quite intensive and involves a single participant or group.

What is...Case Study?


A type of statistics that enable a researcher to make appropriate inferences from those descriptions in order to decide whether those descriptions can also be applied to a population from which the sample is drawn

What is...Inferential Statistics?

A threat to internal validity related to the tendency for observations and responses that are extreme on one measure to be closer to the mean on another measure 

What is...Regression to the Mean?


This is a type of non-nominal research measure that places responses on a single measurement continuum where different values indicate the relative strength/amount of a particular response

What is...Ordinal Measures?


A type of sampling that involves drawing people from the population so that any member of the population has a specifiable probability of being sampled

What is...Probability sampling (simple random sample)?


A type of research described as follows:

  • Form of data: numbers

  • Method of data collection: measurement

  • Form of analysis: statistical

  • ‘Feel’ of analysis: cold, bare, mechanical

What is...Quantitative Research?


A type of observational study that involves checking through records of behavior (e.g., books, videos, websites, etc.).

What is...Archival Study?


Norms that participants conform to because they appear to be appropriate guides to behavior in the situation they confront (threat to external validity)

What is...Demand Characteristics? 

A type of statistical measure that describes how spread out a set of data is (Ex: Standard Deviation)

What is...Measure of Dispersion?


The 3 main types of measurements used to measure mental processes and characteristics in psychological research? 

  • What is... Behavioral measures, Self-report measures and Physiological measure?


Name 1 of the 4 main methods used to gather qualitative data.

What is...Interviews, Case studies, Archival studies, or Observational studies? 

An advantage of this type of research design is that it increases internal validity by reducing potential confounding variables.

A disadvantage of this type of research design is that it makes it harder to generalize findings due to the artificial nature of the design.

What is...a Laboratory Experiment?


A type of statistical error in which the researchers reject the null hypothesis when it is actually true

What is...Type I Error?

Bonus Question...

True or False. A Type I error is a less concerning than a Type II error.


A type of statistic used in research that describes the magnitude of a phenomena/experimenter effect

What is...Effect Size?


Identify the independent and dependent variable for the research question: Does heat make people more aggressive?


Provide one operational definition for how to measure the construct of aggression in this study.

Independent variable: heat

Dependent variable: agression

Operational definition examples: behaviors that lead to physical harm, number of physical and verbal threats, police records of violent crimes, acts of verbal aggression (e.g., yelling, screaming, swearing, and name calling), etc.