External Validity
Internal Validity
Construct Validity
statistical con. validity
Double Jeopardy

This type of validity always concerns moderation

What is external validity?


This threat to internal validity is plausible when events can cause the same impact as the effect

What is history effects?


This threat to construct validity happens when the construct is defined in one way

What is mono-operation bias?


This threat to statistical con. validity is common when treatment implementation is variable.

What is unreliability of treatment implementation?


When working with data obtained from several classrooms across schools, a researcher should do this statistical analysis structuring to avoid violation of assumptions.

What is nesting?


This threat to external validity is plausible if an explanatory mediator of a causal relationship in one context does not mediate in another context. 

What is Context-Dependent Mediation?


This threat to internal validity can occur if there is a lack of clarity about which variable occurred first. This leads to confusion about which variable is the cause and which is the effect. 

What is ambiguous temporal precedence? 


This construct validity threat is plausible when there is a failure to adequately explain the construct that leads to incorrect inferences—for example, two constructs described as a single construct.  

What is Inadequate Explication of Constructs?


This threat to statistical conclusion validity is plausible if there are features in the experimental setting that may inflate error, thus causing detection of an effect more difficult. 

What is Extraneous Variance in the Experimental Setting? 


This threat to external validity can be decreased by consulting with stakeholders before study design to ensure that questions about generalizability of results are adequately prepared for in the study design. 

What is interaction of causal relationship with outcomes? 


This threat to internal validity occurs when participants are selected to receive a treatment due to extreme (high or low) scores. 

What is regression to the mean (regression artifacts)? 


This threat to construct validity occurs when participants guess what the researcher is studying and then tries to produce results that the researcher wants to see.

What is reactivity to the experimental situation? 


This threat of statistical con. validity occurs if outcome variables are subject to floor or ceiling effects.

What is restriction of range?