MLA Formatting
APA Formatting
Humanities Research and Writing
STEM Research and Writing
Rhetorical Analysis

In MLA formatting, the size, typeface, and spacing of your font.

What is 12 pt, double-spaced, Times New Roman?


In APA formatting, the preferred size, spacing, and typeface of your font.

What is 12 pt, double-spaced, Times New Roman?


Humanities researchers start by selecting a topic, subsequently formulating an essential question about that topic, the answer of which constitutes this.

What is a thesis statement?


The section of a scientific paper that interprets the data that were reported in the Results section.

What is Analysis and Conclusions?


The appeal to credibility; typically, by using a well-known person to persuade the audience to action.

What is ethos?


In MLA formatting, the location of your page numbers.

What is the top right corner of the page?


In APA, the short summation of your research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions that helps other researchers determine whether your paper is useful to their studies.

What is an abstract?


When writing body paragraphs, it's important to include this, so as not to simply rephrase an existing source without the inclusion of your own ideas.

What is reasoning?


The section of a scientific paper that states the problem and tells why this issue is being studied in an experiment. This section should include documented background research on what is being studied, the independent and dependent variables, and the methods used.

What is the Introduction?


Advertisements, regardless of what they are advertising, may have numerous authors' purposes, but always share this one common purpose.

What is to persuade?


In MLA formatting, the heading you use to name your list of out-of-text citations.

What is Works Cited?


In APA formatting, the location of the All-Caps title of your paper.

What is the top left of every page except the first page?


In humanities papers, the shape representing the general structure of your paper, including the body paragraphs in the middle.

What is a piece of candy?


The portion of a STEM paper that tells how the study was conducted, what equipment was used, and what procedures were followed.

What is Materials and Methods?


Appealing to an audience member's sense of nostalgia is a combination of this rhetorical appeal along with this type of persuasive rhetoric.

What are pathos and forensic?


After quoting a text and providing its source, you should put your end-of-sentence punctuation after this specific type of punctuation.

What is the end of a parenthetical, or the second parenthesis?


If you were to include a figure in your paper (the very first one you plan to include) you would indicate it with a heading that states this, formatting your typeface with one of three typical transformative qualities for text.

What is Figure 1 in bold?


In humanities research, the creme-de-la-creme of research databases.

What is JSTOR?


In the Analysis and Conclusions section of your paper, you should start by making general comments about whether or not this specific thing was supported by your research.

What is your hypothesis?


An appeal that makes a statement about the future, transcribed from the original Greek into Romanized characters.

What is Symbouletikon?

In MLA, in-text citations should include two things in this specific order.

What is the last name of the author and the page or line number?


In APA formatting, the chronological order of the six things that must be included on your title page, centered.

What are title, author, organization/affiliation, course, instructor, and due date?

In humanities outlines, this type of research which usually fall under "little a's" or "little i's," because it requires you to set an appointment for the future as you plan the structure of your paper, even if you haven't collected all your research yet.

What is an interview?


Your laboratory notebook will likely contain many more of these than you will include in your actual paper when sharing the results of your experiment.

What are graphs, charts, and tables?


When performing a rhetorical analysis, it's important to keep this acronym at the front of your mind. Bonus points if you can name every word of the acronym!

What is SPACECAT? Bonus: (Speaker, Purpose, Audience, Context, Exigence, Choices, Appeals, Tone)