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What two ID numbers are listed under "Animal ID" on the animal's cage card?

What is....


When would it be appropriate to use a live sticky trap for rodent pest control?

What is ... NEVER!


What’s the main limiting factor for determining how long the sheep can stay out on pasture in Austin?

What is ... Heat acclimation


If a sheep has mastered the behavior of entering the recovery cart in their barn but cannot do this same behavior in the OR, what is the next learning stage that a trainer should work on with that animal?

What is .... Generalization


When training a new behavior, you should achieve what minimum number of correct learning opportunities BEFORE moving on to the next approximation?

What is ... 8 learning opportunities 


List 3 ways livestock are weighed?

What is...
 1. in a transportation crate

 2. Walking to the scale using reinforcement

 3. While anesthetized/sedated for planned procedure


How often does a stationary floor scale need to undergo a weight verification?

What is..... (at least) quarterly 


Since the restructuring, what teams does Research Services branch contain?

What is ....

ACT, Histo/Necropsy, Quality Systems, Research Admin and Safety


What is an operational way to describe what a behavior looks like?

What is ... Topography of behavior


List the behaviors that make up the mastered Manners behavior?

What is ... 

Calm body, attention to trainer, hand feeding, and distance from trainer


How long is an animal received from a vendor allowed to acclimate to the facility before undergoing surgery?

What is...  4 days


Which is NOT a scale used by ACT?

a. Health-O-Meter 28422KL Scale

b. Northern Tool OP-930 Animal Scale

c. Salter Brecknell PS-1000 Animal Floor Scale

d. Mettler Toledo Xpress Floor Scale

e. Optima Weighing Systems OP-916 Floor Scale

What is...... 

e. Optima Weighing Systems OP-916 Floor Scale


What are 2 different tracks that Animal Care Team members can be on as they develop their careers?

What is ...  Managerial and technical/professional 


Name two out of three reasons we’re teaching the monkeys icons

What is...

  • Provide more opportunity to make choices

  • More motivation = better data collection

  • Potential BCI application


What are 3 behaviors sheep display to indicate an alert state?

What is ... 

Head and ears raised, vocalizations, attention towards the stressor, freezes in place, quick avoidance response, or increases speed to circle or bunch in the flock. 


When making a correction to a check sheet where the incorrect box was initialed, what changes need to be written in that box?

What is.....

A single line through initials, astrix, appropriate circled number for the footnote.


How much feed and hay are to be stored on site at all times?

What is .... One month of feed in original packaging and 2 weeks of hay if the facility houses sheep. 


Name 3 categories listed on the How To Succeed at NLK document 

What is.... showing initiative, independence, First Principles Problem Solving/Resourcefulness, Asking for targeted help where needed, flexibility, High level contribution, Feedback cycles/communication, Team player, Behavior skills, Becoming an expert, Follow through. 


In our swine communication study, AAC stands for what?

What is.... Augmentative and Alternative Communication


This word describes the level of behavioral response that must be met to earn reinforcement.

What is .... Criteria 


Using the "pig feeding chart", how much feed should each animal receive in a group of three pigs weighing: 25kg, 30kg, 35kg and are also receiving 20% calories from produce for training. 

What is ..... 2.8 cups per day per animal


What 3 surface representatives are tested when microbial monitoring is performed and give one example for each. 

What is... 

1. Primary enclosure representatives (ex. caging/wall of stall, gates, structural enrichment)

2. Equipement pieces (ex. lixit, feed bowls, foraging device)

3. Macro environmental surfaces (ex. room wall, room floor, table)


Name one of 3 main current company goals

What is ....

1. Safely implant and demonstrate successful BCI in first participant

2. Make a compelling product (eg. solve reversibility)

3. De-risk second indication (eg. spinal)


What is one question you should ask yourself before determining whether or not to reschedule an animal’s daily diet?

What is... 

Is it approved on IACUC protocol/ vet? Does it go against basic needs of target species or individual? Is the strategy being utilized as a consequence of the animal’s behavior? Is the animal already mastered at this approximation? Have we exhausted all other creative behavior modification solutions? Is it actually changing behavior? Are we fading it out at earliest possible opportunity?


To complete the enrichment approval process for a new item, how many evaluations must be done and at what intervals?

What is... 

3 evaluations at week 1, week 2, and 1 month