First Steps
Project Requirements
The Write Stuff
Source it Out
That's all, folks
Appearing at the beginning of an essay, this statement attempts to grab a reader's attendion.

What is a hook?


The type or category of your composition, for instance, the R2A project is an argumentative essay.

What is genre?


A group of sentences that are organized, related, and in support of one main idea.

What is a body paragraph?


From Latin summa, the whole, the gist, the total number (sum). 

What is summarize?


This brings the essay to a close by summarizing major points and giving readers something to think about and/or act on after they have finished reading.

What is the (a) conclusion?

The query that the research essay attempts to answer.

What is a research question?

The research topic that you've selected to prove significant. 

What is the subject (of the R2A project)?


The sentence in a paragraph where the main or controlling idea is represented.

What is a topic sentence?


This should be about the same length as the original and is useful when the original passage is complex or confusing for readers.  

What is (a) paraphrase?


This is the date the final project is due for assessment.

What is April 22, 2024?


This one sentence will identify the writer's topic and position, reasoning, and why it all matters.

What is a thesis sentence?


Your instructor and the larger academic community (including your classmates and peers).

What is audience?


How you bind a paragraph together by being unified and consistent with how you define and refer to your topic.

What is repetition?


Use these when the author’s original words are so powerful, unique, or eloquent that to attempt to reword them would weaken the overall message.  

What are quotes or quotations?


This is what we collectively call the moves that inspire readers at the end of the essay: Actionable, Beneficial, Clear, and Direct

What are the ABC's of the Call to Action?


This can predict content, the tone of the essay, and catch the reader's attention.

What is a title?


1200-1500 words

What is the length or word length requirement? 


Providing evidence in a paragraph to support your one main idea is done through the use of this/these

What are examples and explanations?


These "tags" allow you to give credit to the work of others and let readers know how and where your writing builds on that work.

What are attributive tags or signal phrases?


The event we hold at the library that encourages you to get to work. 

What is "Suck it up and Write" Night or "Show up and Write" Night?


This part of the introduction can include definitions, key terms, and history.

What is background information?


The style used to credit sources and format your essay.

What is MLA?

These include words like "but," "also," "first," and "for example."

What are transitions?


The brief reference (often just an author's last name and a page number) made within the body of your essay that helps identify an idea's original source. 

What is an in-text citation?


This type of writing means going back and reevaluating your writing to see if there is need for improvement. 

What is "recursive" writing?