How many inches is the limit for any wall decoration's length?
When do Quiet Hours start and end on weekends?
11pm to 11am
Where are fireworks allowed to be used on Campus?
What building is Student Financial Services located in?
What animal does RD Christina have as a pet?
A cat.
What two things does a power strip have to have to be allowed?
A reset button and the UL/ETL certification.
When do quiet hours start and end on a Sunday night?
10pm to 8am
How many feet must you be away from a building to be able to smoke?
50 feet
Which RA shares RA Nik's major?
RA Gavin
What does a lamp cover have to be made of to be allowed?
From which times can an RA be found in Bouton's office?
8:30pm to 11:45pm
Why is cannabis not allowed to be used on campus?
Cannabis is not legalized federally, and this is a federal university.
What is the extension for the University Police Department?
Which RA shares RA Bryce's minor?
RA Nik
What kind of candle is allowed?
Battery operated.
Which side of Bouton is the meeting spot for fire drills?
The front.
During what times on what days must you go to card services if you are locked out of your room?
8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
What time does the campus gym close from Monday to Thursday?
What section of the building does SRA Ange cover?
The entire basement.
What is behind every door that is not allowed to be covered by decorations?
The evacuation diagram.
Bouton's Narcan kit is located on the same wall as which board?
The program calendar.
What are you required to do if you receive an "Official Request"?
Show your school ID to the requester.
The Office of Veteran and Military Services is located in front of which devices in the SUB?
The elevators.
What was the first topic on Gavin's whiteboard at the beginning of the semester?
What music have you been listening to?