Respect and Dignity
Accommodating Needs and Preferences
Homelike Environment Including Visitation
Facility Characteristics that Support Upholding Rights
Freedom from Abuse & Neglect

Notify infection preventionist, and staying home when you have a fever. Includes not entering facility when you have any sign or symptom of covid 19 without first being tested and cleared by a nurse. 

What are my reporting responsibilities and my obligation for not spreading potential  respiratory illness.


Make lists of Christmas presents received by residents, notate proper storage and identification of gifts, enable organized notification to social services where applicable.

What is something we can do to better keep up with Christmas gifts for residents?


71 to 81 degrees

What is the range of temperatures that minimizes residents' susceptibility to loss of body heat and risk of hypothermia, or hyperthermia, or that provides comfort.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

What is the golden rule?


100 to 110 degrees

What is the acceptable range for water temperatures?


Resident not always aware of what they are doing, where they are going, or what danger may be lying ahead including being mistreated by another person.

Why is a resident who wanders at risk of rights violations and/or abuse?


Listen to residents instead of bossing them around, in all situations. Help to find solutions instead of correcting residents and/or complaining.

What is respecting the self preservation and dignity of residents.


Ensuring that there is proper storage for each resident within their own space for their clinical needs and personal belongings.

What are things that support the resdent's right to an orderly and uncluttered environment?


Not listening to, or responding to, or initiate any form of gossip or unflattering talk about others within our facility (residents, families, employees, etc.)

What is avoiding gossip?



When do I report an allegation of abuse?


To avoid resident feeling unheard and/or uncared for after making or attempting to request help with either no answer or employee answers but does not follow through.

Why should I promptly answer call lights and/or listen to resident requests for immediate help?


Not providing things such as: orientation, training for equipment, effective communication, improper handling of waste, failure to supervise residents, failure to respond to emergencies, failure to implement behavioral interventions.

What are some examples of individual failures that can lead to abuse and neglect?


Awareness of and control by employees of sound levels, language, interaction with others and tone of voice in resident care areas.

What is supporting the resident's right to comfortable sound levels as well as the right to a dignified existence.


New therapy sheet for daily residents' needs from nursing seems to be organized and working well.

What is finding a solution to a problem versus complaining about one.


Protect the resident

What is the first thing I do when there is an allegation of abuse?


Not notifying a resident and/or their representative when there is any change in condition including new medications added or previous medications discontinued.

What is violatoin of the resident's right to be informed.


A resident who can't ambulate independently in wheelchair is left too long in the dining room after a meal and is not checked upon timely.

What is an example of potential neglect? Or What is an example of violating a resident's right to be treated with dignity and respect?


Restricting visitors with signs/symptoms of contagious infections, denying access or limited/supervised visition during abuse investigation, securing the facility with locks at night, denying access to those with history of entering with illegal substances.

What are reasonable clinical and safety restrictions to visitation?


A resident could become fearful or insecure, for example on another shift; this would violate their right to feel safe and secure in our facility.

What is a reason that I should not complain to a resident about other residents or employees, or any practice within the facility?


Supervise/always be aware of the environment and residents, know residents and their behavioral plans of care, be sure not to leave vulnerable residents unattended.

What are some things I can do to prevent a resident to resident altercation?


Calmly assuring resident of what we're doing, encouraging them and taking charge of shower time, activity time, ADL care, for example, that is important to their well being.

What are ways to best meet the resident's care plan and not succumbing to a resident's "right to refuse" without medical validation or charge nurse directive?


Behavioral changes, increased unexplained drowsiness, lack of coordination, mood changes, unconsciousness

What are signs/symptoms/triggers of possible use of illegal substance?


Preventing germs, disease, spread of infection, and other illnesses.

Why is it important to adhere to Infection Control Principles for each employee, in each department?


Being present and on time for your shift, with minimal call ins per facility policy.

What is an example of supporting the residents' right to be free from neglect?


An employee goes "rogue," a knee-jerk reaction to a stimulus by resident or employee, a resident with dementia who didn't understand what they were doing.

What are examples of willful actions that could result in harm that are inexcusable?