The Basics
The Bottom Line
True or False
The Big ???
This & That

The ability for residents to be able to make their own daily choices and decisions.

What are Residents Rights?


What should staff do if a resident refuses medication or another care?

Give them time and space and re-approach.  Notify nursing for further assessment/direction.


If a resident refuses to take a bath, brush teeth, or change clothes, etc. we should tell them they have to.

FALSE.  Try to determine why they might be refusing--fear, cold, staff moving to fast, etc.  Leave alone and attempt later. Try different staff or wait to try later. Document attempts and interventions.  Consult with nurse.


A current resident family member asked to follow me on social medica, what do I do. 

Politely decline the request in accordance to professional boundaries policies


What are some key things to remember for professional boundaries and behaviors. 

Doing what is right, not what is easy

Advocating for residents

Honesty and respect

We are "unplugged" at work


What are a few examples of rights residents have?

* Dignity

* Respect

* Confidentiality


What do we do if we know or suspect that a resident is in an unsafe situation?

Remove resident from unsafe situation. Notify supervisor and begin with investigation process.


We can tell a resident when they have to get up or when to go to bed?

FALSE.  A resident has a right to his/her preferences regarding routine and we should honor that as much as possible.  


How can behaviors affect Resident's Rights?

These can affect the health and safety of an individual's wellbeing. Certain interventions will need to be put in place to respect the resident's rights.


What do we do if a residents family wants the resident's medical information? 

Encourage the resident family to discuss with social services and DON. 


When can the facility overrule resident rights?

When the safety of the resident or other residents is at serious risk.


What do we do if a resident has money or valuable items in his/her room?

Encourage the resident family to secure the items and report to supervisor.


If a resident is missing clothing, that is too bad--it is gone forever.

 FALSE.  Search for missing clothing. Help the resident make sure clothing is clearly marked. Talk with environmental/laundry staff to help locate items.


What do you do first if you see that a resident was mistreated?  What do you do next?

Ensure the safety of the resident.  

Report to supervisor.  

Administrator must always be notified of any reports of mistreatment. 

The facility has reporting requirements to follow.


What happens when a family member has a grievance?

Discuss with your supervisor. 


What is abuse?

Willful actions meant to cause harm to a resident.  This can include: physical, sexual, verbal, mental, exploitation, etc.


What do we do if a resident's family member is asking us for favors?

Explain boundaries to resident's families.  Maintain professional boundaries.  Consult with supervisor.


If I need to share information about a resident with another staff member, I should talk with the staff member in a private area.

TRUE.  Never yell things down the hall or talk about residents where others can hear.


Where can you find a copy of resident's bill or rights?

In the library, share drive and in the family room


Explain a situation where Resident's Rights were respected in a meal time situation.

all food items offered and resident makes choices


What is neglect?

A willful action that could cause harm to a resident.  Example:  Not following the care plan  


What do we do if a resident is displaying behaviors?

Ensure the safety of residents.  Remove the resident from the source of agitation/remove the source of agitation.  Consult with supervisor.  Does resident have a Behavior Management Plan?


If my co-worker calls in, and I am not able to complete certain tasks, I should just tell the resident that it is because we are short staffed and night shift didn't do their job.

FALSE.  I should never share facility issues with the resident.  I should reassure the resident that we are here to care for him/her and that we will talk care of their need as soon as we can.


Name 3 ways we respect a resident's privacy. 

Keeping PHI confidential

Maintain privacy during personal care

Being aware of who is around when having conversations.


Who should honor resident rights?

All staff.  We are here to serve the residents and care for them.  LET'S SHOW THEM HOW CARING WE ARE!!