Resident Emotions
Ways to interact

If you see a resident super upset, you should

check in on them immediately


You see Josh walking down the sidewalk, what can you do to make him feel cared for

Say Hi


After move in, one of your residents is freaking out because they forgot a laundry basket. What should you do?

Reassure them, and even offer to drive them to get a new one. 


Ty just told his sink is spewing water everywhere, what do you do

put in a work order immediately and call the AD phone


Abbigail comes and tells you her lock on her C-Block apartment will not open, what should you do

Call AD phone, put in maintenance request, and unlock it with master key


You see that Brandon is super excited for his math test becasue he studied all night for it. What can you do to encourage him more?

give him a hi-5 and cheer him on


Lyle enjoys coffee and looks stressed after this big test, you could

invite him for coffee to talk about his classes


It's midterm season, and Carlos has been in his room non-stop studying and had 2 mental breakdowns. He comes to you for advice. What should you do

Suggest he take a break by going on a walk/watching his favorite show/etc

(200 bonus points for offering to do it with him)


You just heard Paige talk about how she would love to do a movie on the lawn sometime while planning your next program. What could you do?

Do a program where you watch a movie on the lawn


You're writing the monthly newsletter, and you've noticed your residents are really into Olympics. What would be a good newsletter theme?

USA Olympics or any country


Sydney tells you she is feeling sad often and wants to seek out the school therapist. How can you help?

help her set up her first appointment and show her all the resources available at school

(500 bonus points if you walk her there)

(1000 bonus points if you check in after her first visit to see how it went)


Morvens has a wrestling match coming up against a big school. you could

show up and support him 

(1000 bonus points if you put make a sign too)


Cheyenne has a big game coming up that she's super nervous for, how can you help

Give strong words of encouragement 

(100 bonus points for showing up to game)


Gabe tells you that he is struggling in his Biology class, and is getting low grades on quizzes. He tells you he's worried about his grade, what can you do?

Offer to help Gabe get a free tutor at PC

(1000 bonus points if you say take/walk him to his first session)


When meeting your residents during move in, you notice that Boone is having a hard time carrying things all by himself. What can you do?

Help Boone carry his things in

(100 bonus points for offering to help set up room)


Mora just slammed the washer door in frustration after not being able to get her whole load of clothes in, you hear her mummering anxiously, what should you do?

Go out and offer to help her with her clothes, then see whats wrong

(500 bonus points for offering to help fold laundry)


Lyle has been non-stop talking about campus night of worship and wants to go but can't remember when it is. What can you do?

Tell him the dates

(100 bonus points if you go with him)

(300 bonus points if you get him in contact with the event coordinator) 


One of your freshman wants to be more involved. How can you help

Recommend them to the RSO fair

(200 bonus points if you take them)


Morvens is having a hard time studying for his final and is trying to find a new way to study. What could you do?

Offer him a new way such as flashcards or quizlet and remind him to take study breaks 


You overhear Sofi is having a hard time deciding on how to decorate her new apartment. What is something you can do?

Offer her you opinion and see if she wants some advice

(100 bonus points if you offer to take her to local store such as dollar tree) 


Skylar seems slightly off but she says she is fine. You notice she seems to have red eyes, what should you do

Go sit and listen to her, 

(100 bonus points for bringing snacks/beverages)


You are thinking of something to get your residents involved in and a fun way to connect them with the community here in Clinton? what can you suggest

Tailgating football games, doing the local festivals they have, etc. 


Alex is freaking out because he realized he does not have notebooks for his classes or his toothbrush. What can you do

Offer to take Alex to the store or recommend him some places. 


You are walking down your hall and hear two girls arguing. Both seem upset and want to talk to you privately. What should you do

Speak with both of them and hear their concerns, making their opinion feel valued and cared for.  


You go to approach Gavin at his townhouse because you haven't seen or heard from him in a while. You knock on the door and when he opens it he says he is fine but looks very bothered. What can you do?

Ask him if he wants to talk and see if you can help him with anything at all

(200 bonus points if you offer to cook him some food and bring it to him)