Martha's Small Staff
Kris' Small Staff
Pro Staff/Wildcard
Nicole's Small Staff
Joe's Small Staff

This is a type of dancing Patricia used to do (Pick one: ballet, tap dancing, ballroom dancing, aerial dancing, line dancing)

What is aerial dancing?


1. I was born in Las Vegas.

2. I can play the piano.

3. I'm terrified of pigeons (and most birds).

Who is RA Kayla Thomas?


1) I was my undergraduate's wing eating champion two years in a row 

2) I have lived in 8 states since birth 

3) I am undefeated in Smash Bros

Who is Kristopher Little?


I still don’t have my Driver’s License. My first word was “dolla.” I’ve always wanted to be a spy.

Who is RFM Etana Sissoko?


1) I am right-handed and left-footed

2) I once owned keys to 3 apartments in Manhattan 

3) When I was around 12 years old, one December night, my friends and I decided to go around our neighborhood and attach balloons with uplifting notes to the cars so that when the owners wake up in the morning will (hopefully) smile.

Who is RA Ania Paszkowicz?


1) I don't like Chocolate 

2) I won a beauty pageant my junior year of high school 

3) I can say the alphabet backwards in under 10 seconds

Who is RA Nilah Pettus?


1) I do not know how to ride a bike. 

2) I learned my 4th language at Fordham. 

3) I LOVE baseball (Let's Go Mets!)

Who is RA Stella Pandis?


A member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.; I was blessed to know two sets of great-grandparents; My uncle was one of the founders of Black Ski NJ (so I grew up an avid skier)

Who is Dr. Jenifer Campbell?


I have two fish named Drake and Josh, and this is my first year on staff.

Who is RA Yusuf Elmenshawy?


I have been to Nebraska, Google calendar is my best friend, and I love Levain cookies.

Who is RA Sami Umani?


- I can twirl a baton. 

- I have 40 cousins. 

- I was born with club foot.

Who is RA Mariam Wahba?


- I've worked at Dunkin Donuts for over two years

- I have seen the movie Coraline over 100 times and can recite most of the scenes because I used to (and still kind of do) watch it on repeat when I was younger

- I have played the cello since I was six years old

Who is RFM Kiya Brown?


I am in a Sorority, I haven't used heat in my hair for four years now, I wasn't supposed to live past 7 years old

Who is Martha De Pumarejo?


This green drink is something that RFM Devin Walsh LOVES.

What is matcha?


1) I love to dance, I did DCO for a bit, did musical theatre, and even trained in ballet for a month! 

2) In my spare time, my friends and I like to freestyle, I make music! 

3) I'm extremely good at Smash Bros, I usually play as Cloud!

Who is RA Kyan Hejazi?


I collect mirrors. I went by a different name every year between 5-8 grade. I call my plants my babies (honestly I call all plants babies regardless of their age).

Who is RA Royall McMahon-Ward?


I have never been on a roller coaster. I have a little red tractor. I wanted to be an ice cream lady when I was a kid.

Who is RFM Rihanna Bakkar?


1) My family is very musical -- everyone plays an instrument and/or sings. 

2) During college, I spent two summers working as a journalist in South America 

3) I have been collecting coins my entire life

Who is Joe Corcoran?


I have ridden an elephant, a camel, and a horse, however, I do not know how to swim.

I am a Potterhead.

Who is RA Crispreet Kaur?


I went to the same high school as Justin Bieber 

I have pet chickens at home

I have two beautiful nephews :)

Who is Spencer Everett?


What sport does RA Kathy Wong play? volleyball, tennis, or rugby 

T or F: Kathy Hates jigsaw puzzles

Volleyball! Especially beach volleyball.

False, she LOVES them

Bonus fact: She loves making bagels.


1) I go to office supply stores to destress 

2) I have never gone to the same school (elementary, middle or high school) for more than 3 years 

3) On a good day I can recite every US president in order

Who is RFM Jack Bellamy?


1. I've only been to Catholic school. 

2. I changed my major 5 times. 

3. I've done 5 service trips building houses

Who is RD Nicole Vaughn?


- I love the color pink.

-I have an odd yet interesting obsession with baby grinch. 

-I have never been out of the country.

Who is RFM Marley?


1. I ran away from an ambulance while the whole neighborhood was chasing me because I cracked my head open and was supposed to go to the hospital. 

2. I have been inside the Oval Office. 

3. I aspire to be one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential People in the next twenty years.

Who is Lindsey Fritz?


What is RA Stefan Valenti's favorite color: Yellow, Blue, Green 

What is Stefan’s favorite season: Summer, Winter, Fall 

T or F: Stefan loves to ride bikes



False, he does not know how to ride a bike


1) I go to office supply stores to destress 

2) I have never gone to the same school (elementary, middle, or high school) for more than 3 years 

3) On a good day I can recite every US president in order

Who is RFM Jack Bellamy?


This professional staff member used to be a sneakerhead in high school and had over 100 pairs of sneakers by their first year of college.

Who is Kelly Sosa?


I modeled when I was a baby. I don’t know my left from right. I’m distantly related to the Jonas Brothers

Who is RA Matthew Skibiel?


I used to speak Portuguese, I explained algebra to a famous soccer player, I am my great aunt's doppelgänger

Who is RA Danielle Eisenberg?


T or F: RA Nicholas Wai was Captain of his high school debate team 

T or F: I developed Jaundice as a baby

What skill did Nick learn during his freshman year at Fordham? Juggling, CPR, lucid dreaming

False, he was the Captain of his swim team




- Played Puck in Midsummer Night's Dream twice, once in middle school and once in high school

- Can't be president (but why??)

- Favorite food group are sandwiches

Who is RA Christian Foronda?


What sport did RFM Frank Cheong play when he was younger: Hockey, Football, Soccer 

How many older siblings does Frank have? 2,4,6


He has 4 older siblings.


T or F: In high school, RFM John Spade stayed nearly every day after school to speak with teachers and help them with administrative work.  

What character from greek mythology did John play in a school production? Cerberus, Zeus, or Medusa


Cerberus, a 3 headed dog — I was literally tied to two other students for the entire show.


This staff member has seen Inglorious Basterds 9 times, has never been in a street fight, and only spoke English until age 5.

Who is Yelaman Sain?


T or F: RA Gabbi Munoz De Zubiria never matches her socks 

T or F: My favorite building on the UWS is The Dorilton. 

T or F: Gabbi is obsessed with floor plans.

False, I absolutely HAVE to wear matching socks. Anything else does not sit right with me.




T or F: RFM Jenna Goldblatt has a younger sister that she's very close with

What film series did Jenna watch 3 times over quarantine? Twilight, Harry Potter, or Back to the Future

What did Jenna want to be when she was younger? A singer, A racecar driver, A veterinarian

False, she has a brother

Twilight Series



T or F: Vickki is 1/4 Chinese 

How many middle names does Vickki have: 1, 2 or 3? 

T or F: She has 1 godchild


She has 2 middle names.

False, she has 4 godchildren and an additional 7 kids that call her Auntie


Who did RFM Ellie Tycer think was Zac Efron’s dad for 6 years: Her dentist, Her babysitter, Her Teacher

In what language can Ellie sing the Lord’s Prayer? Russian, Latin, Italian

Her dentist



RA Jassiem West

T or F: My mother is adopted.

T or F: I’ve had 2 cats in my life. 




What singing-dancing animal did RA Savanah Manos perform as on national television when she was thirteen: Shark, Parrot, Hamster?

T or F: I went to elementary school in a zoo and was chased by an emu at recess

What celebrity was Savanah’s grandfather a bodyguard for? Frank Sinatra, Rita Hayworth, John Wayne



Frank Sinatra


In what sport did Carmen break her arm? hockey, rock climbing, gymnastics

T or F: The first cat I had bit my eyebrow

T or F: My favorite car brand is Audi


False, it was a dog



Who has more shoes, RA Jay or RFM Frank?

Frank, with over 30 pairs. Jay on the other hand has over 25 pairs.


T or F: Niah loves Arizona Iced Tea 

(F: I've never tasted the Arizona drinks)

At what age did Niah learn her left from right: 8, 11, or 14 

T or F: Niah watches mostly foreign series

False, she's never had Arizona drinks

Age 11



T or F: RA Bithja Pierre started writing creatively for fun at the age of 18. 

What instrument has Bithja always wanted to learn how to play? the piano, the violin, the guitar

T or F: My favorite musical is In The Heights by Lin Manuel Miranda.

False, she started at age 10

