The 4 C's: Communication, Collaboration, Conflict & Conduct
Overview: LEDA, SI, ResLife, & Cohort 20
"To Be a RM" #1
"The Community"
"To be a RM" #2

This is the preferred communication method of LEDA Summer Institute 2024.

What is Slack?


These are the LEDA core values.

What are Excellence, Integrity, Compassion, and Community?


This is the total number of shift types an RM will have at the summer institute.

What are 5 shift types? OR What are 7 shift types?


This is the date by which RM's living area program proposals are due.

What is Friday, June 28th?


The floater #1 must report to this event/program after morning front desk duty on Mondays and Thursdays.

What is morning meeting?


This form must be completed and written in the third person any time staff need to document a policy violation.

What is an incident report form?


This team is the largest of the various LEDA Summer Institute teams.

Who is ResLife?


This person is available to key into scholar's room when a room check goes unanswered, cover the time gap between floater shift and duty shift, and will be on call for 24 hrs at a time.

Who is the ARD/RD on duty?


This person is responsible for reading and approving RM program proposals.

Who is ARD Susan?


You can find the front desk duty binders in this place.

What is the main office?


Mail can be picked up in this Whitman office.

What is E009?


This college will host LEDA Summer Institute for the first time ever.

What is Yale University?


This person conducts three full sets of nightly walkthroughs after the scholar's in-room curfew and ensures that nightly snacks are distributed to scholars.

Who is the RM on Duty?


This event happens every Monday and Thursday morning, and Cohort 20 scholars will facilitate all but the 1st.

What is Morning Meeting?


This area, although in Whitman, requires scholars to sign out if they would like to go.

What is the Library? or What is Whitman courtyard?


These violations result in automatic escalation to the SI Conduct Committee.

What are Violations of Princeton's’ Code of Conduct as well, Community Respect Policy, or No Sexual Conduct Policy?


This place is home to the first-ever LEDA scholar from this area.

What is American Samoa?


This responsibility and solution should be considered and delegated the night before by day off.

What are nightly room checks, and ask another RM on my floor to complete them?


This event tends to be highly anticipated amongst scholars at the summer institute, despite the earlier in-room and in-dorm curfew the day before 

What are college trips?


We must activate this protocol if we cannot find a scholar after 10 mins.

What is lost scholar protocol?


This slack channel is used primarily for the Health Team, Ops, and ResLife to keep track of Scholars, should be set to receive PUSH notifications by Ops + Reslife+CG staff, and should not be muted while on duty.

What is siattendance2024 slack channel?


These three places have been the residential homes for LEDA Summer Institute.

What is Whitherspoon College, Forbes College, and Whitman College?


These options are available to RMs when they are actively on shift.

What is mentee support, community building, self-care, staff bonding, and other duties as assigned?


These two large-scale programs/community-wide events are not run by ResLife.

What are the TRIALS mixer and Talent show?


The weekend Floater #2 shall be station here for their shift.

What is 0 floor?