Name the three program decisions an applicant can submit a reconsideration request for?
Duplication of Benefits Gap
Award Type
Scope of Work
Is paying off an SBA loan an offset to benefits?
No. If an applicant receives an SBA loan and chooses not to use the funds to repair the home but pays off the loan using the funds, this is considered a duplication of benefits. Only declined and cancelled SBA loans are offsets to benefits.
An applicant submits a reconsideration for award type. They are awarded a reconstruction and are requesting a rehabilitation. The applicant provided a narrative stating the home has sentimental value. Is this sufficient supporting documentation to grant an approval?
No, this request would be denied.
Reconsideration requests must be submitted prior to executing the Homeowner Grant Agreement.
Within 30-days from the Award Determination letter or DOB Gap Notification letter.
An applicant received funding from private insurance. The claim summary supports that funding was provided to the applicant to repair the detached shed. The applicant provides documentation to support the amount used to repair the shed. Is this an eligible use of funds?
Yes, this is eligible. The amount would be offset as Funds for a Different Purpose.
An applicant is awarded a rehabilitation and submits a reconsideration for scope of work requesting additional items be added to the ECR. The applicant provided recently date stamped pictures showing eligible damaged items that are not included in the ECR. Is this sufficient documentation to support an approval?
Yes, this request would be approved and the ECR would be updated.
Reconsideration reviewers and lead are the only ones able to provide applicants a status update on their request.
False. Case Managers and Team Leads can provide status updates on pending reconsideration requests.
Provide a minimum of four examples of allowable supporting documentation.
Appropriate allowable supporting documentation may include legible receipts, paid invoices, proof of payment such as bank and credit card statements or cancelled checks, pictures of completed repairs or remaining storm damage, and legal documents.
What are two examples of funding the applicant does not have legal control of?
Forced mortgage payoff and legal fees
An applicant has a DOB gap of $5,000. They received $15,000 from private insurance. The applicant submits a reconsideration request and provides a paid invoice for legal fees. The invoice verifies the applicant paid $3,000. The request is approved. What adjustments need to be completed on the application?
The $3,000 needs to be applied as an offset to benefits for Legal Fees on the DOB record.
False. The applicant must submit the reconsideration via the website portal, email, or mail to the Tampa office.
What are the two reasons an informal appeal can be filed by the applicant?
An applicant is deemed ineligible, has been notified by an eligibility determination, and disagrees with the determination.
An applicant disagrees with the reconsideration request determination.
What is a forced mortgage payoff?
The applicant received $30,000 from FEMA for home repair. The inspection verified repair amount is $10,000 for roof repairs. The applicant has a DOB gap of $20,000. The applicant submits a reconsideration request. The supporting documentation provided is a paid invoice for plumbing for $2,000, Walmart receipts for groceries, Amazon receipts for household items, and a narrative that the remaining funds were used for cost of living. Is this request approved or denied?
This request would be partially approved. The paid invoice for plumbing would be approved. All additional documentation would be denied.
If an applicant cannot afford to pay the unfunded DOB gap, the applicant does not need to submit a reconsideration request.
What is the Not Eligible process?
Once the application is deemed Not Eligible in Canopy, COM must approve the determination. Once COM approved, the CM will mail the Not Eligible determination letter to the applicant. To contest a not eligible determination, the applicant may submit an informal appeal.
If an applicant purchases materials to complete DIY repairs to the home, will the applicant get credit for labor?
No, the program will only approve eligible items on the paid receipts.
The applicant received $10,000 from FEMA for home repairs and has a DOB gap of $10,000. A reconsideration is submitted and the applicant provided pictures of fallen trees on the property and a receipt for tree removal. The trees are not blocking access to the road or on the home. Is this an eligible use of funds?
No, this request would be denied.
The program will not accept cash receipts.