The Rescue of Others (4)
Lifesaving Priorities: ABCs (7)
Rescue Strokes and Skills (9)
First Aid (8)

What are the 3 elements of the rescue process?

Recognize, Assess, Act

Page 4-1


Three tips for good, effective CPR...

1. Push hard and fast 2. Allow chest to recoil fully between compressions 3. Minimize interruptions in compressions

Page 7-15


Severity of Burns are determined by...?

1. The depth/degree of the burn 2. The amount of burned body surface 3. Which part(s) of the body is burned 4. The age and condition of the body

Page 67


3 components of safety in surface dives?

1. Use foot first dives in unknown water 2. Use head-first dives only in clear, deep water 3. Dive with a partner

Page 9-16


Signs and symptoms of bites?

1. Localized pain 2. Bleeding 3. Bruising, redness 4. Puncture type lacerations in the skin 5. Shock

Page 8-14


What are the 7 possible entries given by the CLM?

1. Wading/running 2. Slip-in 3. Stride jump 4. Head-up jump 5. Shallow dive 6. Compact jump 7. Modified compact jump

Page 4-15


What percentage of exhaled air is oxygen?


Page 7-5


Incident History vs Victim History

Incident History: what happened and how, any pain, injuries, vital signs

Victim History: name, has this happened before?, medications, allergies

Page 43


What is the breathing technique for inverted scissor kick?

Inhale during the recovery, exhale during the drive

Page 9-13


What is the treatment of shock?

WARTS (warmth, ABC's, rest and reassurance, treatment of initial injury, semi-prone/semi-sitting)

Page 8-2


What are the 4 principles of safe lifting? 

1. Use your legs, not your back 2. Bring the person you are lifting as close to your body as possible 3. Avoid twisting motions 4. Use smooth, controlled movements

Page 4-24

At what age is a victim considered to be an adult (regarding technique)?


Page 7-1


What is the "Life over Limb" policy?

If treating a life-threatening injury aggravates another injury (or suspected injury), the need to tend to "life" (ABC) takes priority over a secondary "limb" injury. 

Page 24

Leg action for eggbeater?

Legs drive in a semi-circular pattern, one drives as the other recovers, insides of the legs push water down on an angle as the insides of the feet slice through the water and the feet press and slide down and out from the midline of the body.

Page 9-10



A TIA results in temporary stroke symptoms lasting less than 20 minutes...

Page 8-8


What are the steps of the Ladder Approach?

1. Talk 2. Throw 3. Reach 4. Wade 5. Wade 6. Row 7. Swim 8. Tow 9. Carry 

Page 4-5


What are the General Recommendations for Rescue Breathing?

Page 7-11


What is the Hazard Prevention when dealing with Chemical Burns?

Do not touch chemical products of the container they are in. Wear gloves and use a brush or cold water to avoid coming in contact with the poison.

Page 69


When practicing surface dives, you need to understand the dangers of...?


Page 9-14


What are the common causes of Spinal Injuries?

1. Diving head-first into shallow water and hitting the bottom 2. Being thrown into the water 3. Diving into a sandbar 4. Making aggressive contact in water polo 5. Falls 6. Severe head injuries 7. Car/bike accidents 

Page 8-12


How far should you be from your victim when assuming a "ready position"?

2 to 3 meters

Page 4-19


What are the three special breathing techniques

1. Mouth to nose 2. Mouth to stoma 3. Mouth to mask

Page 7-12


The Primary Assessment Decision Flow Chart

Page 21


Which strokes are most useful to lifesavers?

Front crawl, head up front crawl, back crawl, back crawl for rescues, breast-stroke, head-up breast-stroke

Page 9-2


What is the outlined procedure for a Chlorine Gas Leak?

Page 8-21