What does SPEECS stand for?
Social, Physical, Emotional, Economic, Cultural, Spiritual
Define needs
Things that are vital to sustain life and to maintain physical and mental health
Describe how Maslow's Hierarchy works
The hierarchy is not static, individuals will move up and down depending on needs at different times in their lives. If lower order needs are not met, it is not possible to meet the higher order needs. Once lower order needs are met, it is possible to focus on higher order needs.
What are goals?
What we aim for in life.
What does the acronym LAMEKISS stand for?
Language, abilities, motivation, energy, knowledge, intelligence, skills
Describe wellbeing
Degree of satisfaction when an individuals needs are met
Define wants
Things that we would like to have but are not necessary to survival or to maintain good health.
List the sections of Maslow's Hierarchy starting from the bottom.
Physiological, Safety, Love/Belonging, Esteem, Self-actualization.
What are SMART goals?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound
What are the 5 non-human resources?
Food, electricity, clothing, money, shelter
Describe ill being
Experiences of negative emotions and a general sense of not feeling well, we can describe this as ‘ill being’.
What does SHESEAS stand for?
Safety and security, Health, Education, Sense of identity, Employment, Adequate, Standard of living
What are the 3 additional levels added to Maslow's Hierarchy after the review?
Aesthetic, Cognitive and Transcendance
What are the 3 different goal lengths?
Short term (weeks), Medium term (months), Long term (years)
Resources can be catergorised into 2 categories, what are they?
Human and non-human