Student Services
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CSB Website

I am looking for peer tutoring as well as help with my time management skills.

Center for Academic Success


I can't register for classes because I have an overdue balance. Who can help me?

Bursar's Office


How many credits do I need to graduate?



I want all of the information I can find about CSB and the curriculum. 

Program section


I am looking for peer tutoring as well as help with my time management skills.

Center for Academic Success


I am having a hard time with my mental health. I feel unmotivated and not like myself. Is there somewhere I can go on campus to talk to someone?

Counseling and Psychological Services


I want to inquire if my scholarship will pay for summer/winter classes or for me to stay an extra semester. 

Financial Aid


What our the accreditations of CSB

 AACSB accreditation and ABET


Where can I find where to get help @ Lehigh?

Current student section under resources


Where can I go to get to know my professors better and also receive additional assistance with some course content?

Office Hours


Where can I go to talk about possible career paths and ask their staff to look over my resume?

Center for Career and Professional Development


I qualify for work study but am not sure where to go to find jobs available on campus.



Who are the current CSBA Vice Presidents?

Vrushti Patel and Daniel In


I need a form to reserve credits for a graduate degree. 

Current student section under forms


I am looking for a graduate tutor to read over my paper for Writing 001. I am hoping to get external feedback on the flow of my ideas.

 Writing and Math Center


I have a learning disability and I require additional testing time. Where should I submit my documentation for review?

Office of Disability Support Services


I am in need of additional funding for an academic conference. Is there a place where I can request additional funds so I can attend?

Student Opportunity Fund


The CSB Honors program is an __________________ offered jointly by the College of Business and the department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Sciences (RCEAS).

IC Intercollegiate


I am struggling and concerned that I may not have a very high GPA this semester. Where can I find the CSB policy on this.

Current Students section Program for Academic Support & Success (PASS)


I am not doing well in a particular class. I think I should drop this class so I can focus on my other courses. What form do I use to do so and where do I find it?

Withdrawal form which can be found in the forms section of the RAS and CSB websites.


My one-stop virtual hub for all academic support resources at Lehigh?

Academic Support Resources Coursesite


I want to take classes over the summer and heard there may be a funding program available at Lehigh. What is the program called?

(SSAP) Summer Success & Aid Program


What are CSB Professional Electives and do I have to follow a track?

Students may choose to use their CSB professional electives to develop areas of concentrations or tracks from courses offered within the CSE department or the College of Business. In certain cases, the program co-directors may also approve courses from other departments.


I know that during the spring of my junior year and fall of my senior year I will be taking a capstone course. Where can I find more information about this?

Program section of CSB website, click capstone and it will take you to the capstone website.


I need to request an exception to a policy such as making up a final, adding a course to my schedule after the deadline, or an extension to an incomplete. Which Committee reviews these and how do I submit these requests?

Submit an SOS petition which can be found on the Student Affairs and the CSB websites.