The gauge on an H cylinder of O2 reads 1000 psig. About how long would the contents of this cylinder last, until completely empty, at a flow of 5 L/min?
What is 10 hours (600 min).
Nasal Cannula
What is low flow
This method of protection is intended to be applied to the care of all patients in all healthcare settings
What is standard precautions
A patient is receiving oxygen therapy from a non rebreathing mask with a flow rate of 11L/min. The RT observes the bag deflating with each inspiration. What action is indicated in this situation?
What is increase the flow.
This is the usual method of monitoring the remaining contents in a gas-filled cylinder.
What is to read the pressure gauge.
The gauge on an E cylinder of O2 reads 1800 psig. About how long would the contents of this cylinder last, until completely empty, at a flow of 3 L/min
What is 3 hours (180 min).
Venturi Mask
What is high flow
This type of precautions include hand hygiene and the use of gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection (goggles or face shield), depending on reasonably anticipated exposure to blood and body fluids.
What is standard precautions.
This key property of He makes it useful as a therapeutic gas.
What is low density
This is the method used to clean a cylinder valve outlet of foreign material.
What is crack the tank.
(Quickly open then close the valve).
A patient is receiving 40% oxygen via an air-entrainment mask with the flowmeter set at 6 L/min. What is the total flow delivered to the patient?
What is 24 LPM
Simple Mask
What is low flow
Name one of the three conditions necessary for the transmission of infection.
What is
1. A source of infectious agents
2. A susceptible host with a portal of entry receptive to the agent
3. A mode of transmission for the agent
When oxygen uptake by the tissues is abnormally low, as occurs in certain forms of dysoxia, what would you expect to find?
What is an increased CvO2, decreased C(a-v).
Air for medical use in a hospital should be which of the following?
1. particle-free
2. oil-free
3. dry
What is all of the above.
A patient requires a total flow of 40 L/min. What flowrate should the therapist select if the dilution control is set to deliver 40% oxygen?
What is 10 LPM
Non rebreather
What is high flow and reservoir
Name two methods of sterilization.
What is
Hydrogen peroxide gas plasma
Steam (autoclave)
Paracetic Acid
What happens to saturation when the temperature of the blood rises?
1. The Hb saturation for a given PO2 falls.
2. The HbO2 curve shifts to the right.
3. The affinity of Hb for oxygen increases.
What is 1 and 2
You are preparing to conduct a complex transport of a patient receiving O2, and you expect to have to alter O2 flows during the transport. What type of flowmeter would best suit your needs?
What is a bourdon gauge.
Given the following blood parameters, compute the total oxygen content (dissolved + HbO2) of the blood in ml/dl: Hb = 15; PO2 = 45 mm Hg; SO2 = 75%.
What is 15.21 vol%
What is low flow
This type of isolation requires single-patient rooms, the patients are in need of a protective environment, and require contact or droplet precautions
What is airborne isolation.
A patient with a normal PaO2 and cardiac output is exhibiting signs and symptoms of tissue hypoxia. What is the most likely cause? (Choose only one)
1. hemoglobin deficiency
2. low ambient PO2
3. right-to-left shunt
4. hypoventilation
What is a hemoglobin deficiency (1)
The pressure of O2 or air in a bulk supply system is reduced to what standard working pressure.