Showing Respect
Showing Respect
Showing Respect
Showing Respect
Showing Respect

You are in a library reading a really funny book. You laugh out loud and yell to your friend that she has to come see what you’re reading.

How is this disrespectful? 

You are being loud and distracting others. You are being loud in a place that is meant to be quiet. 

Points +4


Danny rolled his eyes at his teacher is this respectful?




You see a classmate who is carrying a lot. You decide to hold the door open for this classmate. Is that showing respect?


Points -3


Teacher: Alright class, please take out your text book and turn to page 103 to begin today’s lesson. Student: ( sighing loudly) Man, this is BORING! This class really BLOWS!

Disrespectful or Respectful?




Student: (enters class late)

Teacher: Are you aware that you are tardy?

Student: Yes, I’m sorry.

Teacher: (yelling) Sorry isn’t good enough! You were late last week as well!

Student: I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt class…

Teacher: I don’t care what you meant! Get OUT! NOW!!! (student leaves)

Who is being disrespectful?

Its disrespectful for the student to be tardy but while entering the classroom he/she was respectful 

The teacher is being disrespectful to the student by losing his/her temper and yelling at the student. 



Your parents say you can’t go to your friend’s house. You are mad, so you tell them you don’t agree and would like some time alone.

Is this respectful?




Taylor walked in the hallway was this showing respect?



You and your friends are talking. You wait till your friend Jill is done talking before you begin talkings. Is this showing respect to Jill?


Points +10


Teacher: We’re going to continue discussing the American Revolution today. Yesterday, we left off with the Battles of Lexington and Concord…

Student: (whispering to another student, trying to get their attention) Hey, hey…Psssssst! Did you hear about Jasmine making the volley ball team?

Teacher: Excuse me, could you please stop talking during the lesson?

Student: Oh, I’m sorry Ms. Smith. It won’t happen again. (student returns to work and pays attention)

How is the student showing respect?

By returning to work, not talking, and paying attention to teacher.


Student: (enters class late)

Teacher: Are you aware that you are tardy?

Student: Yes, I’m sorry.

Teacher: (yelling) Sorry isn’t good enough! You were late last week as well!

Student: I really am sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt class…

Teacher: I don’t care what you meant! Get OUT! NOW!!! (student leaves) 

If you feel disrespected by a teacher, how might you handle it?

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate 

Points: +4


You really want to fit in with a group of kids at school, so you take a dare to jump out of a really high tree to impress them.

Is this showing respect for yourself?

Having respect for yourself is as important as having respect for others. Respecting yourself means you don’t do things that you know could hurt your own well-being.

Points -9


Amber did not engage in gossip was this showing respect?


Points +10


Why is showing respect important? 

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate 



Student 1: I really can’t stand that girl (pointing across the cafeteria). She is such a DORK.

Student 2: Yeah, I know. I mean, how many zits can one person have on their face?

Student 1: Tell me about it. It looks like she would at least buy some descent clothes. And seriously, she really needs some make-up with a face like that.

Student 2: I would just die if I had to sit by myself at lunch everyday like she does.

Student 1: (laughing) Yeah, how embarrassing.

Is this being respectful?




Student 1: (working quietly on an assignment)

Student 2: (tries to get Student 1’s attention) Hey. Hey! I’m talking to you.

Student 1: (continues to work and ignores the other student)

Student 2: Hello? Stop being such a nerd. (begins to make faces at student 1)

Student 1: (shakes head and keeps working)

Student 2: I said I’m talking to you, nerd! Hello???

Student 1: (Yells in an outburst) Will you just SHUT UP and LEAVE ME ALONE?!?

How are both of these students being disrespectful 

* Student 1 yelled at other student and told them to shut up* 

* Student 2 would not stop bothering student 1 and take no for an answer* 

Points +7


A new girl comes to school and she dresses differently than you. You don’t like her outfit, but you keep your opinions to yourself.

Respectful or Disrespectful?




Gavin cleaned the floor because he dropped his milk  at lunch is this showing respect?




A friend is over and you have a wonderful time playing together. Toys are spread all over the playroom. Your friend leaves without offering to help clean up the toys. How is this disrespectful? 

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate 

Points +5


Student 1: (looking up from his work) Hey! Check it out! There’s a fight in the hall…awesome! (Gets out of seat and heads for the door to see what is happening)

Student 2: (following student 1) This is going to be good! Fight! Fight! Hit him hard!

Student 1: I hope Jason wins!

Student 2: No way man, my money is on Tyrone!

Student 1: (bouncing with excitement and yelling to other students) Hey, everybody! Fight in the hall! Fight in the hall! Check it out!!!

How is this disrespectful? 

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate



Student 1: Psst! Hey, Carrie…let me see your answer to number 3 on the test.

Student 2: (shakes head frantically while looking around to see if the teacher is watching)

Student 1: Seriously, let me see your answer! Move your cover sheet. No one will know.

Student 2: I really don’t want to cheat – it’s dishonest.

Student 1: If you don’t let me see your answer, I’m not your friend anymore…I mean it!

How is this situation disrespectful? Is student 1 a real friend? 

School Counselor will decide if answer is appropriate 

Points -6


Your friend misses the game winning goal. You yell that he’s such an idiot for losing the game.

Is this showing respect?




Lydia left the classroom without asking was this showing respect? 


Points -7


An older man comes to your home to visit and your little brother asks him how old he is. Is this showing respect or disrespect?




Teacher: Alright class, let’s break into the groups that I assigned you and get to work.

Student: Ms. Smith, I do NOT want to work with Jake. He gets on my nerves big time.

Teacher: You only have to work with your group for 30 minutes in this activity.

Student: I don’t care if it’s 5 minutes. He’s a geek and I can’t stand him. I’m not working with him. (Yelling across the room to Jake) Jake! You need to find somewhere else to sit. You’re not working in my group

Is this respectful? Yes or No?


Points +5


How will you need respect in your career? 

School Counselor will determine if answer is appropriate 
