What does respect look like?
What does respect sound like?
What does respect feel like?
How much do you respect NMS?

When someone is speaking, use good _____ to show that you are listening.

Eye Contact 


Is sharpening your pencil while the teacher is talking to the class the right time?

Yes or No 



Your friend dropped their entire binder in the middle of the hallway. What can you do to show them respect? 

Stop and help them pick up the papers until everything is cleaned up


What is the name of our principal? 

Mrs. Lafreniere


When the teacher is talking to an adult or other student what is the proper way to get her attention?

Say excuse me and wait until she is ready to talk

Walk right up to her and start talking

Tap their shoulder until she answers you

Say excuse me and wait until she is ready to talk


A teacher stops and asked you to stop chatting with your peers in the middle of a conversation. Should you stop immediately or when you finish the conversation? 

Stop Immediately 

When you see a random act of kindness what is a good way to show respect to that person? 

Write them a kindness slip. (There are kindness slips in all 5th grade classrooms) 


What is the name of our vice principal? 

Mrs. Smith 


The teacher is teaching a lesson in front of the class, you have an extremely important question. What should you do? 

Yell out to the class

Raise your hand until she calls on you

Walk out of the room until your teacher notices

Ask your classmate the question you have

Raise your hand until she calls on you


Name the appropriate noise level you should use in the cafeteria. 

Talking voices 


What does respect feel like? (Use the examples from the activity we did yesterday)

Answers will vary 


What is the name of our secretary?

Ms. Murphy


The respectful way to enter a classroom is running and yelling through the door?

Run into the class and hit the door frame 

Walk into class and read the Do Now

Walk into class loudly talking to your friends

Walk into class and read the Do Now


Name the appropriate noise level you should use when working with a partner in class. 

Whisper level 


True or False: Respect means that you think about other people's feelings before you act.



What is the name of one of our custodians? 

Geno, Mickey, Al, Keith, 


When a teacher is doing a read aloud what should the class look like? 

Quietly talking to your classmates 

Walking around the room looking for the hidden immunity idol. S

Sitting quietly and coloring

Sitting quietly and coloring


When Ms. Hurley or any of your teachers ask you to complete an assignment should you.. 

Ask, "do I have to do this?" 

Complete the assignment 

Stare off into space until the bell rings 

Complete the assignment 


How could you treat others if you disagree?

A) you are rude for not agreeing

B) I don't like your opinion

C) I respect that but I disagree

D) I disagree with you

C) I respect that but I disagree


What is the name of one of our support staff in 5th grade? 

Mrs. Capps

Mrs. Cormier

Ms. Bosselait