Respect for
in Action
Random Acts
of Respect
Respect in

What should you say if you bump into someone?

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"


How can you show respect to someone who has a different opinion than you?

Listen to their perspective without interrupting or ignoring them.


If you borrow something from a friend or teacher, what should you do when you are finished with it?

Return it in the same condition and thank them for letting you borrow it.


What is a simple way to show respect in the lunchroom?

Clean up after yourself.

Include others at your table.


In The Lion King, how does Simba show respect to his father?

He listens to his advice and follows his teachings.


What is the polite way to ask someone to stop talking to you during a lesson?

"Excuse me, could you please stop talking? I am trying to listen."


What is a respectful way to react when someone has a different interest or hobby than you?

Show interest by asking questions about the hobby and listening to their answers.

How can you show respect during group work in class?

Listen to everyone's ideas, and make sure everyone has a chance to contribute.


How can you show respect to your school environment?

Throw away trash and take care of playground equipment.


In Harry Potter, how does Hermione show respect for the house elves?

She creates S.P.E.W, a society that advocates for the welfare of house elves.


What phrase could you use to politely disagree with someone else's opinion?

"I see your point, but I think..."

"I understand your perspective, but I think differently."


How can you show respect to someone who has a different culture than you?

Kindly ask them questions and be open to learning more about them.


If a classmate is being teased, what is the respectful way to respond?

Stand up for them and tell the others to stop.


How can you show respect when someone is speaking to you?

Make eye contact and listen without interrupting.


In Avatar, The Last Airbender, how does Aang show respect for all living things?

He refuses to kill his enemies and is a vegetarian.


How could you respectfully ask for help while you are in class?

"Excuse me, can I ask a question?"

"Excuse me, can you help me with something?"


What is a respectful way to treat someone with a different learning style or pace than you?

Offer help if they need it, and do not make them feel bad for learning differently than you.


What is the respectful way to behave during a school assembly or team meeting?

Stay quiet and listen to the speaker.


What is a respectful way to include someone who is new to your school?

Introduce yourself and invite them to join your friends.


In Wonder, how does Auggie's friend Jack show respect towards him?

Jack stands up for Auggie when others tease him.


How could you politely ask someone to be quieter during class?

"Could you please lower your voice? I am having trouble concentrating."


How can you respect someone's personal space?

Avoid standing too close or touching their belongings without permission.


How can you show respect to your teacher during instruction?

Listen, participate, and focus on what your teacher is saying.


What can you do to show respect when your teacher isn't around?

Follow school rules and expectations.


In To Kill a Mockingbird, how does Atticus Finch show respect to everyone, even those that disagree with him?

He treats everyone fairly and kindly, and stands up for what is right even when it is unpopular.