Respect Others
Respect Myself
Respect Property

What does Respecting Others mean?

I should accept them the way they are and treat them the way I would like to be treated.


What does Respecting Myself mean?

I take care of myself, and I am confident with who I am no matter what others think of me!


What does Respecting Property mean?

That I take care of the things that are mine, and I the things that aren't mine.


What are the three types of Respect that we are talking about?

Respecting others, respecting myself and respecting property.


How can I be Respectful towards the teacher?

Listen to the explanations and not interrupt the class


True or False: loving and accepting myself the way I am is a great way to respect myself.

TRUE. I should love, accept and respect myself. I should believe I am capable of great things. 


Am I respecting my property when I lose my things all the time?

No, I should take care of my things.


What does it mean to disrespect? 

To insult someone or be rude toward them with the intention of upsetting them. 


If my friend is disrespecting and making fun of someone, what should I do?

Explain to my friend that it's not the right thing to do or choose to remove myself. 


TRUE OR FALSE: If I don't take care of my health, I am respecting myself

FALSE: Taking care of your body is a way to respect yourself. 


My friend let me borrow their new game. Am I respecting their property if I do not give it back or if I lose it?

No, if I respect my friend then I will care for their. belongings like it's my own.


What happens when we disrespect someone?

We might hurt their feelings, hurt relationships or have serious consequences.


If someone was suddenly mean and disrespectful to me, should I disrespect them back?

No, it is never the right thing to do. I can find solutions to everything in another way. 


If I think bad things about myself; am I respecting who I am?

No, I should trust and love myself even on bad days.


I love my classmate's new hoodie! Can I take it without asking them?

No, I should respect that it's not mine.


Who is the famous artist who sang the words "R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me"

Aretha Franklin

Respect looks a little different for everyone depending on their values, culture and beliefs.


If something "funny" happens to someone, but they are hurt and sad; how can I react in a respectful way?

I shouldn't laugh and I help them feel better.


If I respect others and I encourage them to respect me, what does it show about me?

That I am a kind and respectful person towards others and towards myself.


My laptop isnt charging so I asked to use my friend's charger. They said "No, you can't take it". Can I still take it anyway?

No, I should respect that the person said "No". 


If I respect others, myself and property: what does it say about me?

That I am a kind and thoughtful person. Very mindful. Very demure. Very Considerate