What is a boundary?
Answers may vary:
(ex: someone's personal space)
What would you do if someone was pushing your boundaries?
Answers may vary
(ex. kindly tell them to stop but if it continues tell a trusted adult.)
How do you NOT react when someone bumps into you.
Know it was an accident and be respectful!
What does it mean to show respect?
Answers may vary
(ex. be quiet while someone else is talking)
What would you do if your friend is trying to talk to you while the teacher is talking?
Answers may vary
(ex. kindly warn them to stop talking.)
If someone gives you a gift that you don't like, how do you respectfully react?
Thank them, always be thankful for a gift!
What does it mean to know your own limits?
Answers may vary
(ex. knowing things that make you upset and avoiding them.)
What would you do if you are pushing your own boundaries?
Answers may vary
(ex. take a moment to fill in a planner or create a plan of everything you're overwhelmed about and label them the most important to least.)
Act out five key words for respect
For Example
1. saying thank you
2. helping someone up
3. Saying please
4. Taking care of yourself
5. Respecting environment
6. eye contact
7. don't interrupt
8. be patient
9. attentive listening
10. respect requests of others