What is something you can do when someone is feeling left out?
You can invite them to join your activity or talk to them to make them feel included.
What are two polite words you can use when asking someone for help?
Please and Thank you!
What are we wearing on Monday to show kindness?
Yellow or our #ChooseKind shirts!
Michael and Jordan play Minecraft together every night. Michael tells everyone not to join Jordan’s server. Is this bullying?
What is one way to show respect to a teacher during class time?
Raise a quiet hand if you have a question, listen, take notes, don't talk while your teacher is teaching.
What should you say if you accidentally bump into someone in the hallway?
Excuse me and I'm Sorry
What day are we wearing Orange for Anti-bullying/Cyberbullying?
Peter and Frank are playing during recess. Peter pushes Frank during the kickball game and says “You play like a girl!!!”. Is this bullying? If so, what kind of bullying?
Physical Bullying
What is a respectful way to listen when someone is talking?
Examples: Make eye contact, ask questions, nod your head
When someone gives you a gift, what should you say? (Even if you don't like the gift)
"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!"
What color are we wearing Friday 2/14?
Red or Purple!
A classmate accidentally bumps into you and doesn't say sorry. Is this bullying? How should you respond?
It is not bullying, it was an accident. You can say sorry. Accidents happen!
You see someone sitting alone at lunch. You already have a group of friends. What should you do?
Invite them to sit with you and your friends. No one eats alone!
You’re talking to someone, and another person interrupts you. What should you do?
Wait for your turn to speak, then kindly say, “Excuse me, I wasn’t finished yet.”
What are we wearing Thursday?