Respect General
Respect at School
Respect General
Respect at Home
Respect in the Community

Respect means following the Golden Rule, What is the Golden Rule?

Treat others the way you want to be treated.


Using appropriate language and voice volume shows respect. True or False



It is ok to insult or make fun of other people as long as they don't hear you.

True or False



If you use the last of the toilet paper roll, what should you do?

Replace the roll for the next person to use.


An elderly person comes onto the bus but there aren't any seats left. What should you do?

Let them have your seat.


We show respect by using our manners. What do we say when someone gives us something?

Thank you

How can I show respect when other people are talking?

Listen, pay attention, and do not interrupt them. 


Being respectful means telling the truth sometimes.

True or False?

False - it means telling the truth all the time.


What are good ways to show manners at the table?

Chew with your mouth closed.

Elbows off the table.

Clear your area when finished.


You finish a snack but you can't find a garbage can. Should you throw your garbage on the floor or wait to find a trash can?

Wait to find a trash can.


We show respect by being quiet and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the teacher during class 



We are showing respect to the Principal by listening to what he or she has to say even if we don't do what they ask.

True or False



Where should you be looking when having a conversation with someone?

Looking at them - use eye contact.


How can you show respect toward pets at home?

Feed them, give them water, and be kind to them. 

Waiting in line and being patient is showing respect to the people around me.

True or False



We show respect by using our manners. What do we say when ask for something?



You are rushing to class and the hallway is crowded. You decide to push people to get through because you don't have time to wait. Is this respectful? Why or why not?

No - you need to be patient. Pushing people is never okay.


Your friend invites you to their house, they only live a few houses down and you grab your bike and go without telling anyone and without wearing your helmet.  You are showing a lack of respect for

A) Your parents/guardians

B) Yourself

C) both your parents/guardians and yourself

C) both your parents/guardians and yourself


When you leave your house and you are the last one home, you show respect by:

A) locking the doors.

B) leaving the doors unlocked so when others get home they can get into the house.

C) just leave, it doesn't matter, locked or unlocked, you live in a safe neighborhood.

locking the doors.


I am in the library and my cell phone rings. I answer my phone and talk loudly with my best friend. Is this respectful? Why or why not?

No - you are supposed to be quiet in a library. People are trying to read, study and do their work.


As a a member of a family, we can show respect to other family members by doing our _ _ _ _ _ _



Why is it important to give people personal space?

To stay safe, avoid germs.

Being too close can make people feel uncomfortable.


Can you only show respect for someone if you like them?

True or False



You can show respect to yourself by Brushing your _____ and ____ every night.

A)  Your cat and dog

B) Your feet and back

C) Teeth and Hair

C) Teeth and hair


You don't have enough money to buy your favorite drink at the store, so you decide to steal it. This is disrespectful to who?

The store owner, other customers, and yourself.