Respecting Myself
Respecting Others
Respecting Property
What is Honesty?
Being Honest

How do I respect myself?

I take care of myself, I eat healthy, I exercise, I care about my body and mind, and I take up for myself when needed.


What does respecting others mean?

I accept others, include others, and treat others kindly. I'm friendly, I use good manners, and I give others space. 


What does respecting property mean?

Respecting and taking care of things that are mine, and respecting and taking care of things that are not mine.


What does telling the truth mean?

Being honest with myself and others, telling factual information, and answering a question honestly.


I love my classmate's new pencil! Can I take it without asking her?

No. That is stealing, and that is very dishonest.


True or False: Loving and accepting myself the way I am is a great way to respect myself.

True. I should love, accept, and respect myself. I should believe I am capable of great things.


How can I be respectful towards my teacher?

I listen and follow directions, use good manners, follow the rules and expectations, and raise my hand to speak.


Am I respecting my property when I lose my things all the time?

No. If I am losing my things, that means I am not taking care of my things.


True or False: Honesty is about being truthful in what you say and in what you do.

True. Honesty simply means telling the truth.


True or False: If I steal a marker from the teacher, blaming the person next to me is the right thing to do.

False. Stealing is being dishonest. The teacher will not trust me anymore. The person next to me will be upset and not trust me anymore. I will be in big trouble.


If I don't take care of my health, am I respecting myself?

No. I should take care of my health -- my body and my mind.


If my friend is disrespecting or making fun of someone, what should I do?

Take up for the person, tell my friend that it's not the right thing to do, and encourage my friend to say they're sorry.


My friend let me borrow his new game. Am I respecting his property if I do not give it back, if I damage it, or if I lose it?

No. I should respect my friend and what he has let me borrow. I should take even better care of my friend's property than my own!


When is it okay to not be honest?

It might be okay to not be honest if what I say might hurt someone else's feelings. It is important to be honest, but it is also important to be kind.


I really want this new game. I asked my friend if I could borrow hers, and she said, "No." Can I still take it since I asked nicely?

No. I should respect that my friend said, "No." Just because I asked nicely doesn't mean I should take it. That would be stealing, and stealing is being dishonest.


If I think bad things about myself, am I respecting who I am?

No. I should respect and love myself just the way I am.


If someone is mean and disrespectful to me, should I disrespect them back?

No. Disrespecting someone is never the right thing to do. I can find a solution to the problem and still be respectful 


I borrow a pencil from my friend. How can I show respect when I return the pencil to him?

I can make sure it is sharpened and not broken when I return the pencil to him. 


Why is honesty important in our friendships?

There is no friendship if there is no trust. Being honest and telling the truth builds trust, which strengthens friendships.


I am playing on the playground and I find $5. What should I do?

Give it to a teacher or another responsible adult at school.


What is one way I can respect myself?

I can eat healthy, drink lots of water, get lots of rest, have a good routine, and talk through my problems with someone I trust.


If someone looks hurt or sad, how can I react in a respectful way?

I can try to help them feel better, offer to help them or get help from an adult, give them a hug, or try to talk to them and cheer them up.


My brothers and I were play fighting in the house. I threw a pillow so hard that I accidentally cracked a window. Is this respecting property?

No. Although this was an accident, throwing pillows and cracking a window is damaging property, which is disrespecting property.


What are some reasons I might be dishonest?

If I know that telling the truth could hurt me or someone else, I may not tell the truth. This is when I need to talk to a trusted adult.


I was at lunch and I kept kicking someone under the table. My friend told the teacher on me, and I told the teacher that it wasn't me. What did I do?

I lied. That is not being honest. I did not take responsibility because I didn't want to get in trouble.