What do you do when you want to borrow something that is not yours?
Do not touch or destroy them! Ask for permission before using/taking anything that is not yours
What does "circle time" mean?
The group joins into a circle and follow Mike's instructions!
What are some examples of what to respect?
Respect others, respect yourself, respect the classroom
How can we become good working groups?
By sharing ideas, helping, and encouraging each other in order to get our work done as a group
How can we be better students?
By encouraging and supporting others by saying positive things! No put downs!!
How can we make "choice time" more organized?
Follow your tutor's instructions and rotate through the stations so that every student gets a chance to go through each of them. Have fun!!
How can you respect others?
Listening to your classmates, taking turns sharing and speaking
How can we take care of classroom materials?
Share materials with your classmates and when you are done using them, put them back where they belong
What kind of foods can we have in class?
No food from the vending machines! Only snacks provided by LEAP are allowed (ex. granola bar, fruit snacks, goldfish, juice box)
How do you ask for help in class?
Ask for help from your tutor. If you still don't understand, ask Mike for help.
Don't ______ people or make fun of them!!
What if something is too difficult for us to do as a group?
Try your hardest and do your best work as a group!
What do you do if you need to use the bathroom?
Never go outside of the classroom by yourself! Let your tutor know that you need to use the bathroom so that you both can go together
How should we behave when we have snack time/video time?
Try to be as quiet as possible when the video is playing so that other students and tutors can focus
We live in a nation made up of many ______ cultures, languages, races, and backgrounds
What is cooperation?
Respecting each other's opinions, working together, and staying positive in order to do well on a task