Respect School
Respect General
Respect as a community
Respect at home

Respect means following the Golden Rule, What is the Golden Rule?

What is Treat others the way you want to be treated.


We can show respect for our school by doing this every day to keep the floors, tables, and/or ground clean.

Pick up trash


It is ok to insult or make fun of other people as long as they don't hear you.

True or False

What is False

There is trash all around the playground and you only have a little time for recess you know that you should pick it up but who cares that's what the school custodians get paid for they should pick it up, it is their job.

A) you are right, in fact, it shows respect for the custodian because he needs to do his job and this gives him something to do

B) Respect, I need to respect myself by giving me time to play.  Who cares if the school is a mess.  It will get cleaned up, it's not my problem

C) I know recess is important but picking up trash won't take that long and I can be a big help in the process.  I will show respect for the school and staff by picking it up and throwing it out

C)  I know recess is important but picking up trash won't take that long and I can be a big help in the process.  I will show respect for the school and staff by picking it up and throwing it out.


You come home from school and your parents tell you to do your homework.  You know you have homework but you can do it later.  You tell them that you don't have any homework and you go outside to play. (You will do your work later)  Later comes and you are tired and rush through it.  You do not do a very good job and you don't really learn anything.  Your actions show a lack of respect to:

A) Your parents

B) You

C) Your Teacher

D) Your classmates

E) All of the above

E) all of the above


When we talk about respect, who is the person you respect in your classroom ( The person in Charge)

Who is (Teacher's Name)?


We show respect to our fellow students in class by working _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and remaining that way when your work is done.

What is quietly 


you are playing in a soccer game and you can hear the parents from the other team and they are yelling at your team telling you that you are going to lose because their team is much, much better.

A) this does not show a lack of respect because the other team is better

B) This is ok and not showing a lack of respect because they are adults and are allowed to say what they want.

C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example

What is C) This is not respectful because it is not ok to be mean even if you are an adult.  Adults should set a good example


Who came up with this rule that we have to stay in the quad before 8:15.  Silly Silly Silly, The school is fenced and I am a 5th grader I can take care of myself. Besides the rule really is for the younger kids.

A) I don't like the rule and who is it hurting if I go to the playground or hang out by the classroom. Anyway I am showing respect for myself because I know I am responsible enough to take care of myself

B) whether I understand them or not, rules are put in place for the safety of everyone.  Even if I don't like the rule it is my job to respect it and follow it.

B) whether I understand them or not, rules are put in place for the safety of everyone.  Even if I don't like the rule it is my job to respect it and follow it.


Your dog is hungry and thirsty.  You know that you should give him/her some food and water but really, what's the emergency?  You parents will take care of it when they get home.

A) It is ok to let your dog wait, after all, it is a dog you can't respect a dog.

B) All living things should be respected and since a pet relies on you for everything, it is even more important to respect your dog's needs.  Give him/her some food and water.

C This shows a lack of respect to your parents because as a member of the family you should be willing to share in the responsibilities of taking care of a pet.

D) B&C



We show respect to the teacher and our fellow students by being quiet and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to the teacher during class 



We are showing respect to our teacher by listening to what she has to say even if we DON'T do what she asks.

True or False 



You can show respect by Brushing your _____ and ____ every night.

A)  Your cat and dog

B) Your feet and back

C) Teeth and Hair

C) Teeth and hair


I am at the store and the cashier makes a mistake and gives me a $20 back in change instead of a $5.  Wow, it's my lucky day.  I get the stuff I wanted to buy and I get my $20 back in change.  It's like my birthday even though it isn't.  Respect has nothing to do with money or luck.

A) I give the money back and get the correct change.  By keeping the $20 I show a lack of respect for the store and the cashier and the cashier might lose their job.  

B) Don't be stupid, you know what I can buy with $20.  This has nothing to do with respect.  Someone made a mistake and I got lucky.  I am keeping the money.

A) I give the money back and get the correct change.  By keeping the $20 I show a lack of respect for the store and the cashier and the cashier might lose their job.  


Your parents ask you to take a shower and get ready for bed.  Doing what you are told shows respect for?

A) Your parents

B) yourself

C) Both

C) Both


We show respect to others by saying _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What is Please and Thank you


you can only show respect for someone if you like them?

True or False

What is False

Give an example


Your friend invites you to their house, they only live a few houses down and you grab your bike and go without telling anyone and without wearing your helmet.  Afterall it is only a few houses away.  You are showing a lack of respect for

A) Your parents

B) Yourself

C) both your parents and yourself

C) both your parents and yourself


My friends and I are going to the skate park.  We are almost there but we either have to jaywalk or go all the way down the street to the crosswalk to get there.

A) We jaywalk.  It's a long way to the crosswalk and there are no cars coming.  Besides it's not really a law that the police enforce because isn't the rule that the pedestrian has the right of way?

B) Laws are laws and we can not decide which to follow and which to ignore.  By following the rules and going to the crosswalk I am showing respect for the law, the police and myself.

B) Laws are laws and we can not decide which to follow and which to ignore.  By following the rules and going to the crosswalk I am showing respect for the law, the police and myself.  


When you leave your house and you are the last one home, you show respect by:

A) locking the doors.

B) leaving the doors unlocked so when others get home they can get into the house.

C) just leave, it doesn't matter, locked or unlocked, you live in a safe neighborhood.

A)  locking the doors.


As a a member of a family, we can show respect to other family members by doing our _ _ _ _ _ _

What are Chores


Respect is thinking and acting in a positive way about ________ and _________

What is yourself and others


A new person transfers to your school and class.  They feel shy and out of place.  They don't really know what to do or how to act.  You and your friends laugh at them because they don't know how to act or what to do.

A) it is ok to laugh at them, it is funny and besides pretty soon they will fit in so we should have fun while it lasts.

B) It ok to laugh at them, anyone that stupid deserves to be laughed at and who cares they probably don't even know we are laughing at them

C) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a real lack of respect.

C) They are having a rough time and I know how I would feel if that was me.  It is not ok to laugh and shows a real lack of respect.


You are driving with your parents to Disneyland, you are excited about getting there and then it happens, traffic backs up and comes to a standstill.  You are driving in a regular traffic lane and there is a diamond lane next to you. You can get in it but your dad would have to cross the double line to make the transition. you ask him to cross the line since you don't see any highway patrol.  If they don't see you, you get away with it, no harm no foul.

A) Your dad refuses to cross the line and tells you he will only get in that lane when the lines open up and allow him to get in legally.  He wants to respect the law.

B) you dad says "You know what? I want to get there too and you are right if nobody sees me it's ok.  He crosses the double line, gets in the lane and the highway patrol don't see him.  He did not do anything wrong.

A) Your dad refuses to cross the line and tells you he will only get in that lane when the lines open up and allow him to get in legally.  He wants to respect the law.


This is a bonus question and the points are yours!

Who in your house should be the most respected and why?

Open discussion