Empathy and Respect
Listening with attention
Understanding Perspectives
Disagreeing Respectfully

Define empathy.

Feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling.

Bonus points: Putting yourself in someone else's shoes.


Why is it important to listen with attention?

It's respectful.

It helps you learn.

It shows you care what the other person is saying.


What does it mean to predict something?

Predicting means thinking in advance about what might happen.


Can people have disagree and still be friends? How?

Yes, by talking things through and using problem solving skills.


What does it mean to be respectful? (Golden Rule)

Treating others how you would like to be treated.


How do you think it makes the other person feel when you actively listen to them?

Like their ideas matter.

Like they are important.

They feel respected.


Name 5 easy/hard emotions.

Happy, sad, glad, mad, angry, frustrated, annoyed, amused, grateful, respected, nervous, uncomfortable, disrespected.


How can disagreeing respectfully help you at school?

It helps us get along better.

It helps us treat each other with respect.

It makes class a better place for friendship and learning.


What is a put down? Is it ever alright?

Something you say to make another person feel bad. No it is never alright.


When is a time in class when it is important to listen with attention?

When the teacher is giving directions or explanations.

When you are working with a partner or in a small group.


Define perspective and why it's important to understand someone else's?

People see things from their own point of view, situations, feelings, etc.


What can happen if you disagree disrespectfully with someone?

You can end up in a bigger argument.

You can hurt the other persons feelings and they can hurt yours.


Why is it important to be respectful?

It shows you care about others.

It helps you get along with others.

We work better when we are respectful.


Think about a time today when you had to actively listen.

Provide example.


Why is it important to try to predict how what you do or say might make other people feel or react?

It's respectful. You should never want to hurt someone else's feelings. It shows empathy.


What are some ways to be respectful and still disagree with someone?

Use active listening skills.

Use a calm voice.

Listen to what the other person has to say.

Say your own perspective in a calmly and respectfully.


When you respect others' ideas, you're responding to them in a caring way. You're showing empathy. Think about a time when you could show empathy during the rest of the day.

Give example.

Bonus points given if the example happened in the last day or two.


Name some listening-with-attention skills.

Focus on the other person's words.

Don't interrupt.

Ask questions to find out more.

Repeat what you heard to show you understand.

How can understanding others' perspectives help you respond in a respectful and thoughtful way?

You are able to put yourself in their shoes and try to understand what they feel or need. You understand how they want to be treated.


You may have heard the phrase, "never judge a book by its cover."

What does this phrase mean?

It means you are forming an opinion about someone before even knowing him or her.