Rules - Definitions
Influences on you
Healthy behaviours
Action / empowering
Disrespectful relationships

Rules of session

  • Respect all contributions, no interruptions

  • Confidentiality is Non-negotiable

  • Please don’t use personal examples

  • It’s okay to opt out – take time out if you need to 


What are some emotional/physical changes during adolescence?

Hormonal changes

Increased mood swings

Increase in empathy and sensitivity 

Growth spurts, physical changes  


List why respectful relationships are important. 

contribute to personal growth and maturity

allow healthy self expression

improve communication skills

develop conflict-resolution skills

strengthen sense of belonging and value

increase appreciation of diversity.


what are some behaviours at footy that may could be seen as gender violence?

Makes sexist jokes about women

-Comments about genders not crying/ or sterotypes, 'stop acting like a girl'


What does a DISRESPECTFUL relationship look like

  • Control around how money is spent 

  • Deciding what his partner should wear

  • Humiliates or speaks down to his partner in front of others


Definition of respectful / health relationship

mutual respect, trust, effective communication and honesty. 


How is communication different in person to online?

You can read their facial expressions or tone in voice

You can't tell if they are who they say they are

You can't trust them 


Sympathetically aware of others feelings

Understanding and listening to them


Who else could help?

YOU-call out friends behaviour, brothers, dads, male friends - educate them, 

-organisations, schools

-Other Player ideas 


what are 'red flags' in relationships 

  • Discourages /stops partner from seeing  friends 

  • Threaten violence to himself, partner or pets 

  • Physically hurts his partner or makes contact without consent 

  • Makes decisions about contraception


What does compromise or trust look like

-different interests and opinions

-compromise, decision-making is fair and equal

-honest with each other, respect opinions and feelings

-trust one another, going out with your own friends (male or female) is ok  


How do teens change socially when growing up? 

Construct identities 

Increased independence, responsibility, risk taking

Strong desire to belong

Decrease in egocentric thinking

Develop own values and beliefs


Two people don't agree on everything, but will work together because they care about each other.

Mutual understanding


What can a player or team do?

player response?

-give support or phone numbers to friends who may need it?


Why is social media addictive and what are the effects of overuse?

Social media is designed to be addicted so that you continue to scroll and see posts you are interested in. Overusing social media can lead to a decline in schoolwork, friendships, family relationship and also depression.


Gender-based violence occurs in a relationship when there is a desire from a man to have p____r   & C____ over his partner

power and control


What are 3 negatives of selfie / social media culture  

strongly connects self-esteem to appearance

promotes constant seeking of approval from others 

selfies easily taken out of context and misinterpreted.


How far you can talk about a subject before you go too far?

Boundaries, saying, no, or I'm not comfortable


Name any People/support services to get help


How many women have died by this time last year, compared to this year - More or less?

14 women last year, this time it's 25


Gender based violence is more likely to occur when or to certain groups / people

-power is not shared equally, 

-to women

-LGBTIQA+ or others are not valued equally


How many women die at the hands of intimate partners in Australia?

Varies between34 - 55 per annum, 


Give an example of times you need to trust or compromise

  • have your own support teams, need time apart / own time, 

  • times when you need to be tolerant, accept partner’s differences

  • can work together and toward your individual and shared goals


What could our region do to have the safest most welcoming environment possible for girls and women?

Region response?