Which are has the highest airway resistance in the respiratory tree?
large to medium sized bronchi
Explain the A-a gradient
difference between alveolar and arterial oxygen tension. an increase explains some kind of pathology
What is a B2 agonist used for asthma?
What changes will be seen in an spirometer in a patient with COPD?
Increase TLC
Increase RV & FRC
What is the epithelium made of in the bronchus
Pseudostratified ciliated columnar cells
What causes right shifts on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve?
1. decrease pH 2. increase temp 3. hypoxia 4. increase 2,3BPG 5 increase H+ 6. increase CO2
This drug blocks 5- lipoxygenase and inhibits synthesis of leukotrienes
What will be the metabolic state in high altitude?
what will happen to your O2 and CO2
Respiratory Alkalosis due to hyperventilation
Which cell type produces surfactant?
Type II Pneumocytes
What is not measured on a spirometry?
residual volume
Respiratory stimulant drug that is an antagonist of adenosine A1 and A2 receptors
Right bronchus; right main stem bronchus is more wider and vertical
Which cells clear debris in the respiratory zone?
alveolar macrophages
v/q ratio is highest where
apex of the lung
Anti muscarinic drug that overall decreases bronchoconstriction by antagonizing M3 receptors
Which Cells produce surfactant
Type II Pneumocytes
What are the structures that go through the diaphragm
T8: IVC & right phrenic nerve
T10: esophagus & vagus nerve
T12: Aorta, thoracic duct, & azygos vein
Vital capacity is what
IRV + Vt + ERV
Name two antitussive drugs
codeine and dextromethorphan
What are some of the symptoms of a Pancoast Tumor?
1. Recurrent laryngeal nerve compression --> hoarseness
2. Stellate Ganglion --> Horner syndrome (ipsilateral ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis)
3. Superior vena cava compression --> SVC syndrome
4. Brachiocephalic vein compression --> brachiocephalic syndrome
5. Brachial plexus compression --> shoulder pain
6. Phrenic nerve compression --> hemidiaphragm paralysis