This measurement must be verified at the lip with each assessment and have a tape measure kept at bedside.
What is ETT depth
The bed should be kept at this degree angle unless otherwise ordered.
What is 30 degrees
After initial trach change, these scheduled changes are done weekly unless otherwise ordered.
What are full trach changes
When any alarm sounds, this is the first action you should take.
What is go immediately bedside
These must be maintained at the bedside at all times for all patients with built-in pressure monometer and PEEP valve.
What is a neonatal ambu bag
These must be maintained every shift: monitor limits, emergency equipment, suction in place, and......
What is ambu bag
Two people are required for this procedure with ETT or trach tubes.
What is open suctioning
Keep this template at the bedside, marked with "template" written on it.
What is trach tie size
This type of alarm might indicate the patient needs suctioning.
What is high pressure alarm
In care of accidental ETT removal, this is the first action to take.
What is provide positive pressure ventilation with bag and mask
Daily rounds with this person should include discussion of ventilator settings, oxygen requirements, and episodes.
What is the provider
This must be done to high-touch surfaces every 12 hours with hospital-grade disinfectant wipes
What is disinfection/cleaning
This must be done to trach ties daily or more often if soiled
What are trach tie changes
A leak in the system or disconnect might trigger this type of alarm.
What is a low pressure alarm
If trach becomes dislodged and unable to replace, cover stoma with this while ventilating with ambu bag.
What is sterile 2X2 and covered finger(s)
When on HFOV, you assess this instead of breath sounds for ventilation effectiveness.
What is chest wall vibration
For oral/nasal suctioning, set suction pressure at this range in mmHg.
What is 40-60 mmHg
An emergency tracheostomy tube should be this size.
What is one size smaller
If unable to stabilize patient during an alarm, take this immediate action.
What is manually ventilate the patient
Keep these emergency supplies in the top drawer of nurse server in red bag.
What are appropriate size ETT, smaller ETT size, stylet, tape, handle, and blade
You must keep the head in this position at all times for intubated patients
Neutral position
When suctioning with in-line suction, set the pressure at this range in mmHg
What is 80-100 mmHg
You can clean and reuse trachs this many times before discarding
What is 5 times
These 2 people must be notified if unable to resolve alarm issues.
These must be documented every hour according to the practice guideline: Oxygen Delivery System, Oxygen Saturation, and this measurement
What is Fi02