Pulmonary Conditions
Pulmonary Testing
Infectious Lung Disease
Physical Exam

A chronic respiratory disease characterized by reversible airway obstruction, inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness

What is asthma?


The name of the test that is done for COPD

Pulmonary Fubction Test (PFT)?


The two imaging studies to consider ordering on a patient who presents with fever, productive cough, fatigue with suspected community acquired pneumonia (CAP)

What is a CXR, CT scan? 


The breath sounds heard over most of the lung field that are soft and low pitched

What are vesicular breath sounds?


Pain that is made worse by deep inspiration and is stopped or diminished by a respiratory pause is consistent with this origin

What is pleuritic?


Suspected diagnosis based on these PE findings: barrel chest, moderate kyphosis, distant breath sounds, delayed expiratory phase, decreased fremitus, and tachypnea

What is COPD?


The STOP BANG score is used as a screening to diagnose this condition

What is sleep apnea? 

(STOP-BANG is an acronym which stands for snoring, tiredness, observed apnea, blood pressure, body mass index, age, neck circumference and gender.)


The pneumonia that develops in a resident of a nursing home or long term care facility

What is health care associated pneumonia?


Discontinuous, short, non-musical sounds mostly heard during inspiration

What are crackles or rales?


Rhythmic increase and decrease in depth of respiration punctuated by regular episodes of apnea is consistent with this condition

What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration?


This condition is characterized by irreversible dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles and has similar S&S as COPD

What is bronchiectasis?


This test is done if there is a low to intermediate risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE)

What is high-sensitivity plasma D-dimer?


This respiratory disease is caused by mycobacterium and is spread by droplets through the respiratory tract

What is tuberculosis?


Whistling sound made when an airway is blocked or narrowed

What is wheezing?


Diminished level of consciousness, confusion and restlessness in a patient experiencing respiratory problems are manifestations of this condition

What is hypoxia or hypoxemia?


Tachypnea, tachycardia, hypoxemia and/or cyanosis are signs/symptoms for this acute condition often caused by immobility after surgery

What is acute pulmonary embolism?


This test is done to evaluate the aerobic capacity and exercise tolerance in pulmonary hypertension and chronic lung disease

What is the six-minute walk test?


The two most common pathogens associated with community acquired pneumonia

What are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae?


Dullness on percussion over the lung fields occur with increased density or consolidation as in this condition

What is pneumonia or pleural effusion?


People with this relatively common genetic condition are predisposed to obstructive lung disease

What is alpha antitrypsin deficiency?


This multi-system inflammatory disease of unknown etiology manifests as noncaseating granulomas mostly in the lungs and intrathoracic lymph nodes

What is sarcoidosis?


Interpret the following: PH 7.47, PaCO2 33 mm HG, HCO3 24 mm HG

What is uncompensated respiratory alkalosis?


Alcoholism, drug overdose, seizure, stroke, and general anesthesia are risk factors for this type of pneumonia

What is aspiration pneumonia?


This condition may be present when the patient c/o inflammatory pain in the chest and upper/middle rib area that radiates to the back and abdomen

What is costochondritis?


Collapsed alveoli that diminishes lung volume affecting all or part of a lung

What is atelectasis?